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Ice Man

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Everything posted by Ice Man

  1. whats the file extension?
  2. no... have you tried the webtool? http://www.pbbans.com/webtool.php
  3. after about 2 days of not streaming and no you will not need to reapply, from the sounds of it the only thing you will need to do is get your new servers streaming once they are up
  4. http://forums.gameservers.com/viewtopic.ph...t=bigbrotherbot nope :-\
  5. myspace was original and I haven't deleted it.
  6. well its position on the master list which is different. Higher = traffic. Lower = fail... Just the way it goes. I was lucky to pick up this server before it reset on the list I'm currently 419 / 14565
  7. I have enough social networking sites for now. facebook and myspace and that's it. screw twitter, flicker and everything else.
  8. 2618 / 14573 is your audit ranking.
  9. gl.... I find that list to be a bitch to get on lol
  10. are you talking about the master server list by activision?
  11. have http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?showuser=137936 submit the shots. I think its Dan? (judging from the email)
  12. I see no team account submitted by you at any time... account application: http://www.pbbans.com/account_application.php setting up servers to stream: http://www.pbbans.com/webtool.php
  13. you probably would need to contact gameservers for that... I'm actually interested myself so let me know the outcome. -Dan
  14. tbk you are the winrar... read all of this topic
  15. Mccune you might want to read this topic in the SGA section: http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=78553
  16. or they were boughtout again... http://welcome.filefront.com/
  17. If your server stops streaming you are moved down to a member after about 2-3 days I believe and it takes about 24 hours to become an sga again (all automatic) unless one of the staff does it. -Dan
  18. give us the server IP + port...
  19. PB does not support windows 7. You will have to use XP or vista I am afraid. -Dan
  20. the player will still be kicked for 0 but they will be immediately banned on every streaming server 2 seconds later.
  21. yes again. if you server isn't streaming then he isnt banned here... As far as the kick if you want more information you will have to go to evenbalance as we do not make punkbuster software.. if you want to ask: http://www.evenbalance.com/troubleticket/new_ticket.php On a non streaming server the kick will stop when he removes the hack. While on a streaming server if that violation is raised he will be banned by us.
  22. hes not banned. If you want to ask if the kick was valid you need to open a ticket with evenbalance. -Dan
  23. a hack for a different game wont cause on for cod4. If you friend wants to appeal the ban he can do it here once he figures out his guid: http://www.pbbans.com/appeal_ban.php
  24. why don't you "want it streaming" ? you do understand your asking help ridding hackers but you don't want to use our best forum of fighting them... is pb even on your server?
  25. start your server streaming. http://www.pbbans.com/account_application.php http://www.pbbans.com/webtool.php
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