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Ice Man

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Everything posted by Ice Man

  1. http://www.pbbans.com/webtool.php
  2. umm :huh: repost it?
  3. Try to add it to your account?
  4. speak to the server admin, we dont code the game so as far as going back to the desktop there is nothing we can do about it. -Dan
  5. add the new server to your team account? -Dan
  6. Problem taken care of for now
  7. list your full config?
  8. well are you trying to setup your own or where did you get them? -Dan
  9. and check for a file called pbpower.dat If you don't know what PB power is and haven't set it up delete it and do a pb_sv_restart
  10. the ban appeal will be denied.
  11. go into your pb folder on your server, find the pbbans.dat file and manually remove the guids. Upload the pbbans.dat file to your server (after you removed the bans) and then do a pb_sv_restart. -Dan
  12. get your server streaming and then put a request in once your an sga here again. -Dan
  13. what company is it? how much are they charging you a month? how does your traffic look? -Dan
  14. all they need to do is replace the .exe file with a legit one.
  15. well you do not have access to our MCI which contains the md5 checks... but if you want you can do a pb_sv_restart and then download the latest server log and if should show you the list of md5 checks you have. -Dan
  16. take a demo next time and submit it to the clans server that you are on /record filename /stoprecord -Dan
  17. nothing that we can do since you weren't streaming at the time, BUT you should setup streaming for the future: http://www.pbbans.com/account_application.php http://www.pbbans.com/webtool.php
  18. In fact PB does research their kicks and we see bans lifted all the time. But in your case you stated someone else used your clan members key and got banned... so kinda voids the issue. EX: http://www.pbbans.com/mbi-viewban-d3349fb6-vb112210.html On the level that you are talking, No I do not believe there are spoofers.. there are people who will steal your cd key but not GUID spoofers. Download a few cod4 keygens. Try them out, im sure you will find that each key is banned. :) Well if you do a little bit of searching around Im sure you would find it on this site, here are my full guids: cod4 - 4113ebea0f8cb24152e143ff1543fc69 cod5 - 618044fb3c4eacf037f5fa4cc92ba011 you're wrong. Deep down I think no one can spoof my guid. Now actually spoofing a violation is something totally different that can be detected upon appeal but actually turning my GUID into a cd key? Nope I do not think so. If you can go ahead and post my keys here if your so certain. -Dan
  19. simple terms CD key = guid basically we nor evenbalance are responsible if you are irresponsible with the way you use your computer. You decided to use a hack on a non-pb server (which in part steals your key) or some other program (virus) or way your key gets stolen we have nothing to do with it, we ban cheaters. Someone (I really don't care who because in the long run it was most likely the users fault that their computer is not properly protected and if it wasn't you can always take it back to the store for a new one) uses your key and cheats your GUID gets banned, we will not lift it. I mean your telling me that the statement is "ludicrous" then I think your ludicrous...PBBans does not ban and will not ban by IP, that would be even more of a hassle as IPs are dynamic (always changing), Half of germany is linked to 1 guid most of the time... There are "hardware" spoofers so hardware bans do not work and we are left with GUIDs that are based off your key. There is no "guid spoofer" which will ever work in a PB enabled game... not sure where your getting your sources from? A quick google search of guid spoofer brought me to a PBSS guid spoofer, the thing they do not tell you with that is the real guid from the PBSS will show up in the server logs and we would be able to match the information from the header that is extracted by the PBSS (if the file is tampered the header on the PBSS will change, thus no ban is given). Ever wonder how cheat sites get money? BY LYING. and saying their cheat is Undected. If you think its such a problem if we ban by GUID (which in simple terms is an encrypton of your cd key) then why don't you suggest something that we can ban by? Hardware: no IP: no ??? I would love to hear an alternative! Also with banning by CD key instead of IP or hardware you will simply be unbanned as long as you go and purchase another copy of the game. You might also want to read up about "master servers" and how people cannot connect via a "random guid" without having a valid cd key. just remember a cd key is made up of usually 20 characters long with numbers and letters, its not easy to "spoof" or randomly generate at all. -Dan
  20. same... MAYDAX!! lol
  21. no there is nothing. I would suggest using XP or vista for the time being or dual boot your system...
  22. http://www.pbbans.com/webtool.php have you tried that?
  23. either way works ;) -Dan
  24. whatever cfg file you want ;)
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