simple terms
CD key = guid basically
we nor evenbalance are responsible if you are irresponsible with the way you use your computer. You decided to use a hack on a non-pb server (which in part steals your key) or some other program (virus) or way your key gets stolen we have nothing to do with it, we ban cheaters. Someone (I really don't care who because in the long run it was most likely the users fault that their computer is not properly protected and if it wasn't you can always take it back to the store for a new one) uses your key and cheats your GUID gets banned, we will not lift it.
I mean your telling me that the statement is "ludicrous" then I think your ludicrous...PBBans does not ban and will not ban by IP, that would be even more of a hassle as IPs are dynamic (always changing), Half of germany is linked to 1 guid most of the time... There are "hardware" spoofers so hardware bans do not work and we are left with GUIDs that are based off your key. There is no "guid spoofer" which will ever work in a PB enabled game... not sure where your getting your sources from? A quick google search of guid spoofer brought me to a PBSS guid spoofer, the thing they do not tell you with that is the real guid from the PBSS will show up in the server logs and we would be able to match the information from the header that is extracted by the PBSS (if the file is tampered the header on the PBSS will change, thus no ban is given).
Ever wonder how cheat sites get money? BY LYING. and saying their cheat is Undected.
If you think its such a problem if we ban by GUID (which in simple terms is an encrypton of your cd key) then why don't you suggest something that we can ban by?
Hardware: no
IP: no
I would love to hear an alternative!
Also with banning by CD key instead of IP or hardware you will simply be unbanned as long as you go and purchase another copy of the game.
You might also want to read up about "master servers" and how people cannot connect via a "random guid" without having a valid cd key.
just remember a cd key is made up of usually 20 characters long with numbers and letters, its not easy to "spoof" or randomly generate at all.