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Ice Man

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Everything posted by Ice Man

  1. 1 cd key = 1 GUID meaning he bought another cd key 2 cd keys = 2 GUIDs
  2. woops missed that... well just wait.
  3. wait is all you can do... what does it say your being kicked for?
  4. nope but some teams may consider it. One thing I should mention: you need to have your pb configurations correct and if you have the match soon then apply asap. ~Dan~
  5. im not a fan of PsB. I stream to AON + PBBans + PsB. PsB = pain in my ass. and then they dont even ban for blaintant screenshots. EVERYONE IN THE WORLD must vote on that screenshot for it to be banned. Only reason I stream to PsB is twl... and only 1 server aon is great cause it helps me with lanuage in my servers but I dont like the way the site + forums are setup... (actually when a ban comes in for a server that is dual streaming to aon, pbbans is just a little faster) I love the vista gaget for pbbans.com, also the site tools are easier to use. I swear it takes days to check to see if a server is streaming to PsB... ~Dan~
  6. Congrads on becoming a PBBans staff member!

  7. ah so the game has to be running on a windows host to make servers. ~Dan~
  8. Im assuming since its "games for windows" it does not allow players to create their own servers? ~Dan~
  9. Ive had pb power in my server for a while now. and we actually setup "jr.admins" on it. I attempted to do the pb_rcon stuff with no success at all (trust me I read it over a number of times). but I just did what BOTA:X said and now its working great! that means more commands for the jr.admins. (it had to do with the pbrcon.dat file not being present I believe) Thanks a ton, ~Dan~
  10. Im just wondering if its possible... I tried to set it to 0 but it started the respawn delay for 10 seconds. now I have it down to 1 is there a way to turn it off? //respawn delay scr_war_playerrespawndelay "1" Thanks for the help in advance, ~Dan~
  11. if I knew how... maybe if someone ran me through on on teamspeak... ~Dan~
  12. Well someone who was applying to our clan was banned today by aon live. I searched here and came up with this ban http://www.pbbans.com/mbi.php?action=5&ban_id=57086 I was wondering if someone could explain this ban a little more to me. Thank you, ~Dan~
  13. Well I dont see any rules like over at pb forums about screenshots so here they are. please let me know if you decide to ban this guy. im streaming aon live fyi ~Dan~ regular ss
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