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Ice Man

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Everything posted by Ice Man

  1. you are currently not streaming. have you applied? http://www.pbbans.com/account_application.php
  2. Thanks Gringo for that... I need to read up more on ET (im a cod4 guy anyways :P)
  3. you can add the servers via the account manager aka the AccCP link at the top of the page
  4. there is a pb_plist function... never heard of alist?
  5. try doing a update: http://www.evenbalance.com/index.php?page=pbsetup.php
  6. nice title for their engine: CryENGINE
  7. just need you to update some info when your streaming again. nothing big :)
  8. its a bug from what I understand. if the player doesnt leave and come back kick him and it should solve the problem. ~Dan~
  9. what ive found is just because YOU don't seem them doesnt mean others will not.
  10. http://www.pbbans.com/webtool.php try that first
  11. Battlefield 2
  12. you know you want to post that ban link :P
  13. yes this is simple bs. It will show that the player is globally banned but thats about it. do you have a ban link also so I can explain it better? FYI GV is formed by former cheaters, Evenbalance has not stated that violation 50104 is a false positive. Also where is GV on this list? http://www.evenbalance.com/index.php?page=links.php
  14. Crashing the servers is not Evenbalances fault, its been stated time and time again that It is EAs fault. PB will only update when he has a hack in their hands: They do not go out and buy private hacks. Yes I would appreciate it if EB gave out more hardware bans but I dont beleive that is going to happen.
  15. there is really nothing you can do... http://www.anarchic-x.com/cod4master/
  16. http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?sho...t=0&start=0
  17. there is nothing we can do about stolen keys, and we will not lift bans for stolen keys as to we would be giving hackers a way to still play in our servers. Also just a little fyi there is not a key generator out there that uses keys that were not stolen by a second hand program (second hand programs meaning profile backups, game optimizers, basically a virus on your computer). I would suggest you reinstall your whole operating system before you enter in any new keys. ~Dan~
  18. it will show up in your pbbans.dat file in your pb folder (as long as you have the accept bans flag checked). These bans that your seeing are from other servers that are running bf2.
  19. automatic :)
  20. I think they have with every other version why not?
  21. think he gave you the wrong link... try this one http://www.pbbans.com/webtool.php
  22. could I please have your server ip?
  23. http://hasthelargehadroncolliderdestroyedtheworldyet.com/
  24. what is your what is your pb_sv_USessionLimit and how many administrators are using 3rd party rcon programs?
  25. PsB has always had that policy of deleting peoples signatures that link to other ac sites... Personally I see it as their site and their ways of running things. I do run my clan like a "business" the people donating are my "customers" and i try and keep them happy. but legally they are not a business and In my opinion should not act like they are a business. Punkbuster itself is a business but again states that it is not associated with any anti cheat site. I am a dual streamer myself (streaming to both ac sites + aon) and I dont think that their repository system of streaming is the best tool for the job and is one of the biggest reasons why pbbans is doing so well with the hub :) just note that it you do have freedom of speech but in a way its tresspassing on someones property... I would be like swearing in a server you are renting and want clean language. they have the right to remove you. While I dont agree with some of their policys I do believe it is their site... but I also dont agree that it should be kept secret that they were banning for cvars and blaiming us being the only ones who have. NOTE: PBBans does not remove PsB signatures from this site. The only concern we have with any other ac site currently is gv and their attempts at stealing our checks. -Dan
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