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Ice Man

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Everything posted by Ice Man

  1. first off wheres the ban link?
  2. ok so you have deleted all of your pb files right? and have you done this? http://www.evenbalance.com/downloads/pbsvc/pbsvc.exe also what anti virus are you running?
  3. just wanted to say your awesome! have a good one

  4. I see you look at me alot... You should give me 5 stars sometimes ;)

  5. not all hosted by GS... I would give about 75% to gs
  6. how is it not? cod4 was supposed to be called modern warfare :P
  7. you will need to go to the link that roadwarrior provided. Download all 6 (doesnt matter what os, you need all 6) and upload to your pb/htm folder. Im guessing you cant do that so I would contact your host. -Dan
  8. welcome back :)
  9. Know any friends named TheJackal? How about someone from poland? your key was shared/stolen and your now on the ban list because of it. We cannot nor will not lift a ban for a stolen key as that just gives the cheaters a way to play without restrictions. What I would suggest is that if you do not know how your key was shared that you reinstall your operating system and start clean. You will also need to buy a new copy of the game to play on those servers.
  10. http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?sho...0&hl=127614 try this: http://www.pbbans.com/webtool.php
  11. have you done pb setup?
  12. http://www.pbbans.com/info-center-hubguide.html#bf2cc
  13. not quite sure but I think there is a problem if a lot of people are connecting through rcon using third party admin programs. I would suggest you set the ucon session limit to 16. other then that the configuration is on your side and should not stop. -Dan
  14. also why not ask your clan leader to have him add you under his account? -Dan
  15. you can go ahead and enter in the streaming commands
  16. yep add the new server and after your streaming I would delete the old one. Sounds like a great host :)
  17. yeah 5 is supposed to be released nov 11th of this year dude. The beta version is supposed to come out soon (no date given as of yet, xbox 360 beta is out) to be able to play the beta (usually demo version) you will need to register at callofduty.com to receive a key... Supposedly the game is already out (not leaked yet as far as I know). I know a level designer that works at EA and he is already playing it... -Dan
  18. what i would suggest is you use ours. we clean it out for the best performance for your server, as far as screenshot settings i would use what makes you most comfortable.
  19. supposedly their switching from infinity ward to treyarch back and forth... They are already making cod 7 as we speak :P Basically their goal is to release a game every year
  20. your server is under this account, any chance you know him? *************************************************************** Team: *Wave (WaVe') Account ID: 5236 Streaming Status: Streaming (1 / 1) *************************************************************** --------------------------------------------------------------- Server List --------------------------------------------------------------- COD4 - (Streaming) --------------------------------------------------------------- User List --------------------------------------------------------------- kaiser9263 (127022)
  21. please dont post information about cheat sites, we are aware of that site btw. and dont believe everything you read <_<
  22. I heard rumors that its going to be into the future type of game (like bf2142)
  23. what game? and it usually can be found by typing pb_plist and getting the 8 digit number
  24. your server is added to your account but not streaming properly: try this: http://www.pbbans.com/webtool.php and if that doesn't work after 5 minutes (note check your server on the site, your status will be updated a while after that point) then try this: http://www.pbbans.com/info-center-hubguide.html#bf2cc
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