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Ice Man

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Everything posted by Ice Man

  1. http://www.pbbans.com/info-center-hubguide.html#bf2cc
  2. have him do a password recovery. http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?act=Reg&CODE=10
  3. http://www.pbbans.com/webtool.php That should help you out. also have foresakenkiller add you on your team account
  4. have you filled out this application yet? http://www.pbbans.com/account_application.php make sure you use a paid email address to speed up the process (EX: your ISP, College, clan email, business, govt or military)
  5. I cannot read anything on that page.... was a demo released or not?
  6. ever heard of site like the pirate bay? (in no way does pbbans endorse using keygens and cracks) everytime they are shutdown by a government they just take all their stuff and move to another country or to another place that allows it. Not to mention that most cheat sites pay to have their domain information kept private. some of our SGAs have attempted to take down sites in the past but only recieved generic messages back from their host ban messages. greetings and other such things will tell you if you are streaming or not.
  7. set the ucon session limit a little higher. maybe to about 10
  8. here is info about the video :)
  9. yep its automatic :) takes a little so hold on
  10. you probably saw a kick for ignoring md5 querys. this is a non bannable offense and is caused by a miscommunication between punkbuster on the server and the client side
  11. they sound like stock file mismatches and I would say no to that. could be that the file is corrupt or possibly a steam copy of the game (the filesize is different from the actual md5 file)
  12. are you talking about the images? do you have a link to your site (so I can better help you place it and give you a good size) http://www.pbbans.com/links.php
  13. http://www.waffenss-inc.com/index.php
  14. found it! /dynEnt_active 1 http://www.infinityward.com/forum/viewtopi...t=tv+wont+break
  15. ah crap I just noticed it isnt working on my laptop... rofl... umm good question
  16. visit their website. we do not ban by ip here.
  17. no handshaking failure is not a hack
  18. I think you can increase the time yourself for violation kicks. PB_SV_KickLen [Minutes] The number of minutes (default is 2) a player will be kept from being able to rejoin after getting kicked by PunkBuster
  19. cause while punkbuster itself will just raise the violation on one server we take it a step further and ban them on all server streaming here. Thats 3015 cod4 servers right now and a total of 5,000+ servers all together (different games). On top of that we make our ban list public so any cheater will squirm when they are banned.
  20. ah spectral you know you want to code the next anti cheat rofl... -Dan
  21. smash screens? you mean dual screens?
  22. the ban your referring to was from his IP. He had a dynamic IP associated with his guid. we attempted to show him that he key was indeed not stolen. He had only two aliases associated with that guid too (both relating to your clan). on top of that he saw the violation on his screen meaning that his computer raised the violation, not another. -Dan
  23. so when you join a server you get a join message? do you happen to remember the account ID or website associated with the old clan?
  24. woops :) try this http://www.pbbans.com/webtool.php *************************************************************** Team: freeze-gaming (*cFg/frEEze) Account ID: 4567 Streaming Status: Not Streaming (0 / 1) *************************************************************** --------------------------------------------------------------- Server List --------------------------------------------------------------- ET - --------------------------------------------------------------- User List --------------------------------------------------------------- taf (122839) Helpful Links: Account Management CVAR / MD5 Scans (Setup and Use) PBBans Hub Flags Master Player Index Automated Hub Setup Not Streaming Fix
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