our site is having some issues but it should be back up soon so sit tight!
working again... if anyone tried to download recently and it didnt work please try again :)
PS. we are working on an update that will make it much more useful so sit tight
rofl... I have two separate computers with nvidia 8600gt (ones a lappy with the mobile version and one is a desktop) both of them return black ss... maybe its just that card :) let me know if it fixes your issue
The server that was streaming was in violation of our terms and services. your best bet is to rent from a host provider if you wish to continue streaming.
first: ask if the server admin is streaming to any anti cheat sites
next ask if he could check his pbbans.dat file on his server (not sure where it would be located for ET...)
thats where I would start... maybe have him come over here? just throwing up some ideas
personally I would use the pbbans checks because this includes cvar checks (something that psb doesnt bother banning for) and our md5 checks are regularly cleaned out (lack of bans perhaps usually). I would use auto MBL to upload your ban list and when you are streaming here you can download the full ban list (ours) and then use auto MBL to do a full banlist update. You can also use the enforce bans flag in your account manager (not availiable until your streaming) to keep banned players off your servers (it will take up less resources).
my question is this... is the stupid thing released yet or not? Last time I knew I was in my old clan 2 years ago and we were talking about this patch... I thought it was released with the vista patch but apparently not...
were did you get the game from? and your going to need to change that cvar value to one that allows you to play. You will see what it allows when it asks you in game (if it does).
it sounds like your missing your miles folder (or files) in your cod4 directory and a server admin doesn't like the fact that people exploit this...
assuming you deleted your whole miles folder I created a zip of mine. You need to go to your cod4 directory (usually found at C:\Program Files\Activision\Call of Duty 4 - Modern Warfare ) and put these files in your miles folder