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Ice Man

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Everything posted by Ice Man

  1. basically have your host give you non-cracked executable file.
  2. just manually updated you. :D
  3. no idea dude. I liked it on the bottom too... Just doesn't work. game needs a few more patches so just keep an eye out.
  4. Im not sure where its located actually. If you cant find it I would suggest you contact your host. It sounds like it could be the exe file but again I wouldn't know myself since I haven't tried cracking a server..
  5. if your using pb_sv_say message you need to change it to just say EX: pb_sv_task 10 120 "say ^0[^2RUF^0]^7 ^3Clan is now recruiting! ^2Visit ^5www.^7RUFClan^5.com ^2For Details" pb_sv_task 10 120 "say ^0[^2RUF^0]= ^9Respect, ^9Unity, ^2and ^9Fun!" pb_sv_task 30 120 "say ^2Join us at ^5www.^7RUFClan^5.com" pb_sv_task 50 120 "say ^1Cheaters will be burned!" pb_sv_task 70 120 "say ^4Welcome to ^7RUF ^1HC ^4TDM" pb_sv_task 90 120 "say ^2Join us on ^1T^2e^3a^4m^5s^6p^7e^8a^9k^0! ^3Visit ^5www.^7RUFClan^5.com ^3For Info" pb_sv_task 110 120 "say ^2Favorite our servers please!" I put mine into a pbsvuser.cfg file along with my md5 and cvar checks. -Dan
  6. /pb_cvarval authname It should be EXACTLY: cod4master.activision.com -Dan
  7. have Chris64 add you as a user. Mention this to him and he should be able to ;)
  8. as far as I know its as simple as updating directx: http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details...;displaylang=en I suggest you run this in internet explorer. That updater fixed my issues.
  9. they need to visit the site after they have put in their guid, then go and game on a streaming server.
  10. ending score board + currently being shot clean :D
  11. big_z if you want your shots banned then you need to setup streaming. its not that hard: http://www.pbbans.com/account_application.php http://www.pbbans.com/webtool.php
  12. I would contact evenbalance and let them know your getting this kick... something on your computer is causing it and unfortunately we wouldn't know what that would be. http://www.evenbalance.com/troubleticket/n...t.php?game=cod4
  13. I would suggest you totally reformat your computer because its obviously not your configuration..
  14. That would be my next suggestion. make sure you backup EVERYTHING including your current cod4 profile. Once the computer if fully formated. DONT INSTALL ANYTHING! just cod4. The one program at a time and test the game after each program. It sounds like you have something (av) blocking pb on your computer...
  15. first off: can any other computer connect using your network (anyone around with another computer that can run the game, maybe a laptop?)
  16. well it will be interesting since almost every anit cheat site uses md5 scans and even back in the day punkbuster itself used cvars for actual hack violations. You know what is even more interesting is that no one knows what punkbuster uses to go after cheats and they too can be using md5 checks for actual violations. -Dan
  17. find another site to spread your shit. and for everyone else I will be removing your posting rights if this continues. Anti cheat sites should work together and not be counter productive as to what terry needs to post. -Dan
  18. if your old key is history then it should not matter. As far as being able to connect to pb servers on one computer with your new key then the new key with another computer, your best bet would be to contact evenbalance and ask them. PBBans does not issue global or hardware bans http://www.evenbalance.com/troubleticket/n...t.php?game=cod4 I hope you can get everything sorted.
  19. there is nothing else that can cause the issue. Either A. You got the key from a second hand source or B. you have some kind of virus on your computer which stole your key Your 32 digit guid is a creation of your Key. I see IPs from the Northern Mariana Islands and Italy leading me to believe the key is stolen or sold to multiple sources. PBBans does not edit our MPI information, if we did it would be useless. I would suggest that you first check the source of where you got the key and if you really think that the source is clean then I would reinstall your whole operating system and start over.
  20. key = guid. EX: once the game comes out he will obviously have a different key so in turn he will have a new guid. Banning now is useless. Guids are basically generated by keys.
  21. wait until the game comes out first. Beta means nothing will be done basically :)
  22. EDIT: nvm found it http://www.pbbans.com/webtool.php or http://www.pbbans.com/info-center-hubguide.html#aao if you need more help hop on irc but stay for about 5 minutes http://www.pbbans.com/irc/index.php
  23. the ban in question will not be removed. The file caught is used with multiple hacks on top of the fact that the IP range is very similar leading me to believe it is not second hand.
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