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Ice Man

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Everything posted by Ice Man

  1. try rodeo bob :)
  2. havent encountered any :)
  3. so far so good. It also shortens the time at the end of the map (which is annoying) ~Dan~
  4. yep ive tried mods... kills traffic which sucks (and were already pretty low lately). Even mod warfare would work with that. ah oh well thanks for the answers guys
  5. basically there is nothing you can do. whoever gave out their key was an idiot. end of story pretty much
  6. Ok so I found the settings to basically disable helis... is there a setting to make airstrikes do less damage or something? Im getting a little sick and tired of them... Thanks ~Dan~
  7. unless your application was denied because you are using a home/lan server then I would consider setting up streaming here, its really easy and can be done with just your rcon password, port and server ip. My application was accepted around a day while some other anti cheat sites take 3+ days. http://www.pbbans.com/webtool.php also considering there are currently (at this post) 9,177 cod 4 bans for hacking why wouldn't you take advantage of keeping your server clean of cheaters?
  8. you need to be streaming here first...
  9. as just to let you know you need to be streaming your server at the time of the demo... I see your not a sga. if you need help streaming let me know or one of the staff :) ~dan~
  10. any suspicious ips on your GUID?
  11. the game is minimized and the punkbuster screen shot seemed to have worked when it was... I see he has frontlines fuel of war and gta sa...
  12. I guess he had a happy valentines day :)
  13. <_< basically cisco keeps getting kicked.. he can't even play... I think hes deleted everything now... reformat is probably next lol
  14. could be a college or local wireless station that they both played at.. thus linked guids
  15. then put the codes in the name :)
  16. Yes his mod is so safe that they have added him to the Master Ban List http://www.pbbans.com/mbi.php?action=5&ban_id=70504 until someone fully decrypts his code I wouldnt touch it... Hell I woudnt touch it at all... ~Dan~
  17. so how do you change the themes?
  18. Probably a stupid question... Have you checked your server filters? ~Dan~
  19. man I have to say it sucks to be you guys... I havent checked out the master list in quite a while but last time it maxed out at 20,000 servers... ~Dan~
  20. released on the 4th... http://download.nvidia.com/downloads/nZone...-PatchSetup.exe
  21. What operating system do you have? the wordlist.txt is for filtering out stuff like if you want to lookup pb violations you can put that in there. or lets say you just want ot search for one bad word, you can put that in there and it will go through the whole file. ~Dan~
  22. Thank you :)
  23. COD4 Log parse tool Direct Download <---- Updated 9/1/2012 http://callofduty.filefront.com/file/COD4_Log_Parse;90712 with this tool you can download your cod 4 logfile and it will extract all the chat and any other values or things that you want it to from the log file... save you a lot of time rather then looking through a 100mb file of text Current Release Features: * Includeds all in game chat in logfile * allows you to search for certain words or pb violations * allows you to save your parsed logfile including all server chat * allows you to copy text from the logged file to your clipboard Application: COD4Logparse Author: Al Dorrington (AKA Hawkins) Version: 1.0 Date: 6/1/08 Website: http://www.rufclan.com Requirements: A working computer and a log file How to use the tool: File -> Load Log File - opens the log file and starts parsing the output. File -> Save Log File - saves the contents displayed to a file File -> Exit - (I think you can figure out what this does, haha) Options -> Include All Chat - displays all chat entries in the log Copy Selected Text To Clipboard (button) - selected text in the window will be placed in the clipboard for pasting into other applications/windows. Future Releases: ? Release History: 1.0 - 6/2/08 Help: go to http://www.rufclan.com and register on the forums, you should see information all the way on the bottom of the forum ©Al Dorrington 2008
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