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Everything posted by McBain{TibeT}

  1. I had one of my clanmates ask me about this cvar recently. I found the answer here... http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?sho...ctedplayersname
  2. Take a demo of him and post it in the demo submission area if you think he looks suspicious.
  3. Most probably a GFX problem. Impossible to tell unless you have more incriminating screanshots. Edit: Post unedited SS's as Ace said
  4. Do you mean COD5 RoadWarrior? I've played on plenty of COD4 servers where the killcam is disabled. The command (I think) is "set scr_game_allowkillcam 0/1" ...for COD4 anyways.
  5. I had the same error caused by the same PB file whilst playing ET. It's only happened once so far fortunately. Also I have none of the programs that Agent-86 is using. Just a slight bug in PB me thinks.
  6. I thought I was the only person that was annoyed it's released today (11th) in the USA and not until the 14th in Europe ;)
  7. omg, 4 of your own members caught cheating on your own server :o
  8. :P
  9. If you're gonna run the stock maps for now, noone will need to download them. When you start adding custom maps you'll need to upload the maps to a re-direct so players can download them at full speed. Usually GSP's limit download speeds from the server itself, and if they didn't it would cause a lot of lag for people playing if they were downloading directly off the server at full speed. Edit the server.cfg located in the etmain folder to change these settings... set sv_allowDownload "1" // global toggle for both legacy download and web download set sv_wwwDownload "1" // toggle to enable web download set sv_wwwBaseURL "http://tibet.clanservers.com" // base URL for redirection Obviously change the "set sv_wwwBaseURL" var to reflect where you've uploaded your maps :P Note: When you upload maps to your webspace, create a directory called "etmain" and put the maps in there. The server expects there to be an etmain directory, that's why it's not declared in "set sv_wwwBaseURL". I use campaign mode which just basically plays the maps defined in a campaign file (.pk3), but all the maps are played in objective mode. The "D" codes just identify the map and gametype you have created so that the variable "nextmap" will hold the details of the next map name and gametype for the server to follow.
  10. Get all the custom maps you need from http://et.splatterladder.com/?mod=maplist All maps go in the etmain folder on the server.
  11. lmao
  12. Nice, thx :)
  13. I'd love to get a COD5 server streaming when the retail is released, the bans on my account here would surely go into triple figures in a week B)
  14. Yep, a bit of fabreeze works wonders :lol: Plus There is no Master Couch Index. On a serious note, congrats to the OP for bringing another corrupt SGA to the attention of the admins. Well done :woot:
  15. Hugin: COD4 and COD5 Demo reviewer :P
  16. It feels like more of an expansion pack for COD4 rather than a "sequel". It's basically COD4 re-skinned. They're asking the same money for this as they did for COD4 <_< Not worth the money IMO. The weapons seem weak and not particularly accurate. On the plus side, the graphics look nice and the maps look very good and well designed. I'll play the beta for a few more days before I decide to buy B)
  17. You won't get banned for FOV/Maxpackets/FPS settings.. only kicked if the value you have set is outside the values that the server admin has allowed for the particular server you are playing on.
  18. Kick, no ban. Don't worry about it unless it keeps reoccuring.
  19. You heard it hear first :D
  20. PB_SV_AliasMax [0-99] Setting defaults to 0 which means alias tracking is disabled; set to some value above 0 to enable and to specify how many aliases will be stored for each GUID; if the player uses more aliases than the max, the later ones will be ignored http://www.punkbuster.com/publications/et-ad/index.htm ^^ For further reading :P
  21. I have 2 ET servers, one runs ETPro with the .lua combined fixes script. The other server is NoQuarter which has the CVAR "ip_max_clients" available, which I've set to 3.
  22. Lol :doomed:
  23. Shouldn't that have been a fast car and hot women :)
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