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Everything posted by McBain{TibeT}

  1. Activision can shove it where the sun doesn't shine.
  2. Sad but true RE: the first half of that vid. They don't make games like that anymore :(. I must play Quake 1 again sometime :)
  3. I gave up on this ages ago. Haven't bought any of the DLC, and never will either. Out of curiosity, what's the fascination with zombies in COD? Personally, I load up Left 4 Dead/2 if I need to annihilate thousands of zombies :)
  4. I enjoyed that vid, nice card. It was refreshing to see a mouse & keyboard being used to play too :)
  5. Windows update can nag me all it wants... I'm gonna wait and see how others get on with this first :)
  6. Happy Birthday Taz :)
  7. Merry Christmas everyone
  8. Haven't noticed any change since the patch personally. Since I wasn't having any stuttering issues, I left the 'shader warming' option disabled. The only problem I've had pre and post patch is low FPS in certain places. My old GTX 260 is struggling with this at 1920*1200.
  9. Well my copy finally turned up today (Cheers Tesco :angry:) Installed from disc quickly... no problems with Steam trying to download the whole game for me. Played about 40 mins or so of multiplayer. Didn't have one single lag pause or any kind of rubber banding. The only issue I do have is seriously poor FPS in certain places on maps. I'm assuming this is down to the performance bug in the game where it uses 100% of your CPU and therefore bottlenecks the graphics card?
  10. I pre-ordered from Tesco last week
  11. Still no news from EB on this?? I have finally relented to pressure from clan members to disable PB on our server because of the issues :(
  12. Great news, I will definitely be buying this now.
  13. Beer
  14. Cry
  15. Private
  16. R.I.P
  17. Never bought it myself thankfully. I do have a question though... If you are a PC player and you don't buy the DLC.. would you still be able to play multiplayer? If you could still play, I suppose it would be a bit pointless as everyone would be playing the new maps/content anyway.
  18. Shows up as BF:BC2 for me B)
  19. Noooo, I love it when someone uses 'has not set their status' as their status :lol:
  20. I'm in a seriously crap mood today, but that really made me laugh :lol:
  21. ETPro GUID's are worthless. As for ETPro's integrated anti-cheat.. really, how old and outdated is it? Seriously, concentrate on Punkbuster GUID's and get your server(s) streaming here. You'll then have the benefit of the latest MD5 and CVAR cheat detections courtesy of PBBans.
  22. Excellent, many thanks.
  23. I expect the majority of BF players will embrace this game, simply because it is a new game in their favourite series. EA/Dice will most likely be content with this fact and will stick to their guns on not releasing the server files. It's a real shame. I wouldn't want to admin a gameserver where everything is so restricted. I also don't want to purchase the game because I know there will be no streaming to PBBans. No streaming = more cheaters. A lot of COD players and admins have been waiting for this game after the trainwreck that was MW2. Unfortunately, they aren't going to be impressed with this news. COD admins are not used to such restrictictions. EA/Dice: Loosen your grip, give the community more control, let us deal with the cheaters!
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