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Everything posted by McBain{TibeT}

  1. The clan tag you use to apply for a team account here doesn't have to exactly match the clan tag you use in game. Apply again with a slight variation of your clan tag. Use an '=' or a '.' either side of your clan tag for example when applying.
  2. Any announcements regarding Evenbalance false positives and bans being lifted by PBBans will always be announced here.. http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?showforum=424
  3. That looks fantastic. Kudos to the development team.
  4. Happy Christmas everyone :)
  5. Have no fear.. fixes are on the way!! Twitter updates make everything look so professional don't u think? :lol:
  6. lol, +rep I wonder why this little morsel of information has been thrown out into the wild... Is it because they actually need the talent of the mapping/modding community to make future expansion packs for them? Or perhaps they're worried they might lose out some market share to BF:BC2 or MoH?
  7. I am surprised tbh considering all the hype it had and how many copies it sold. Here's one for Infinity Ward: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TX3UqY8KZpU
  8. Didn't Squealer make a PBBans toolbar for Firefox a while back?
  9. Perfectly normal. Crosshairs in ET can be set to any colour and a multitude of different shapes/sizes.
  10. I've been using the WHQL 191.07 drivers on Vista 64 HP with my GTX260 for quite a while now. No problems for me with any games so far :blink:
  11. That's exactly what Activision want... everyone will be chomping at the bit to buy the next COD game B)
  12. I *need* a painkiller after listening to that dudes voice for 10 seconds :o
  13. Exactly what IW want you to do. I'm surprised tbh Duality, really surprised. Sometimes in life you need to stand up for what you believe in, even if it means making sacrifices (in this case: simply going without one game)
  14. I've been laughing at this all afternoon tbh. IWNET.. supposedly makes the multiplayer experience simpler and more accessible for everyone.. straight out of the box. Apparently, for the novice user, Infinity Ward thinks that understanding NAT and configuring your router to forward a port is far simpler than looking at a server listing and clicking 'join game' :lol: Hehe, excellent B)
  15. As already said, it looks like a complete noob fest. No wonder they're not bothered about losing PC sales, this game was created solely for the console crowd. When this game is released, expect the share prices for Crayola to rise sharply. I'm shocked at how many ideas they've ripped off from other peoples hard work. One of the sounds in there sounds like it was ripped straight from Half Life 2, some of the killstreak ideas were pinched from a COD4 mod. Every time I see that gun with a lifesigns detector on it I think of the film 'Aliens'. I'm going to be watching the reviews for this game very carefully. I wonder if any of them will give the multiplayer component of the PC version a positive review. If they do, it will most definitely be a 'hand over the bag with a big dollar sign on it' situation <_<
  16. Looks great. :woot: Good stuff Maydax.
  17. What's Ubuntu? :BigB: lol
  18. http://www.playstationuniversity.com/petit...2/#comment-2317 ^^ signed. The more console players that realise how much of an improvement dedi servers would bring, the better.
  19. I really pity the people who'll still go ahead and buy the game in the hope of having a half decent multiplayer experience. Can you imagine the stink in the community if "IW.Net" falls over or gets hit by a DDOS attack in the first few days... IW would never live it down. The fact that they can't even keep their forums up atm should be putting more people off tbh.
  20. True. Swings and roundabouts, it never ends. After reading that EA post though, and noticing that dedi servers will be available for both console users and PC users, I wonder if console users buying COD:MW2 will actually start to wonder what they're missing out on? Undoubtedly, EA/DICE will continue to flaunt the availability of dedi servers in their upcoming game.
  21. That post on the EA forums is like a breath of fresh air. That dude should be working at IW. As for the media blackout bullshit, I just lol'd :lol:
  22. At this point in time, I have no expectations that Infinity Ward will change their mind about this decision. They are so focused on creating this truly 'epic' new multiplayer experience, that they are willing to sacrifice millions of dollars in revenue from cancelled pre-orders in the short term. Their long term plan hinges on getting PC users to accept this new model asap. Once this is done, they will have complete control over content and prices on the PC as they already do in the console segment. Of course then, they can slowly jack up the prices for new games and DLC, and claw back the money they lost in the short term. I love the PC gaming community, but these 'people' are trying to destroy it.. all in the name of $$'s. Quite frankly, what they are trying to do, sickens me. Infinity Ward have created the biggest shitstorm in PC gaming history. Their name will forever be tarnished. Respect to you Bob :)
  23. I've been following this story on another very active forum too. Someone there posted up a link of an earlier interview with Robert (402) Bowlin Here. This interview was dated Sep 22, 2009... only 4 weeks ago. From that interview:- Shack: By the way, have you changed the way multiplayer games function on the PC at all? Robert Bowling: PC will be the same as it always was. Shack: LAN support as well? Robert Bowling: LAN support, yes.
  24. What a sad state of affairs this is. The game makers are slowly trying to groom PC gamers into accepting sub standard console features, just to save a little money on developing a polished PC version of a game... a version which would sell more copies and give them a better return on their development costs. This game will fail on the PC.. and fail hard. IW/Activision is going to learn a harsh lesson from PC gamers this time around. I haven't pre-ordered it, so unfortunately I can't show my disgust towards Infinity Ward by cancelling my order. I have signed the petition though.
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