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Everything posted by AfeX^ruari

  1. this mean bf2142 patch will probably be August earliest :( My expectations are high.
  2. I have to agree though, in fact when i see one I always think "there goes a posing little ****" and its not like its a jealousy thing - when everyone was getting ipods i got a creative and now I have a sony mp4 player - they are just miles better than the bland peice of crap ipod. And its not like its one of those nerdy anti-mac attitudes that I have, cos I'd love a mac-book or any mac pc for that matter... just everything else I would confidently say was not value for money.
  3. did all you iPhone users get an e-boner? Motorola v1 razor , if that's what its called. It calls, it texts, it stores hilarious porn.
  4. I have a few people having problems with clanmod 3.02 and the deluxe edition for 2142. I don't think that they have managed to fix it yet. The problem appears to be with the way it launches it against the 2142.exe for deluxe edition. It will start and show the regular slash screen - ea/dice logo/intro then ctd. Regards Ruari
  5. Multiplay.co.uk have opened up a competition for beta-keys to be won for BF heroes - check it out if you are interested - although you need to be quick as the competition ends 06/03/09 - 23:59! BF HEROES BETA KEY COMPETITION OFFICIAL BF HEROES SITE Multiplay have also announced that you can pre-order servers over there if your clan are thinking of adapting into the game :) GL + HF Ruari aftifex^ gaming admin
  6. windows 7 surely is the cause. clan-mate had the same kick type when he ran windows 7 ( i think the number MAY be diff but its obv not restrictions kicking him)
  7. lol spartan... just ppl in my clan got rly rly hacked off wit the whole docking points and results for missing a plist but only when it happened 2 us lol. anyways
  8. Edited: removed im an idiot... esl admins are biased
  9. This is true and its sad because we all are left addicted to games that we hesitate to praise but its stupid because if they were to release a game that properly hit our battlefield spot then we would all be battlefield junkies... heck id inject the dvd into my veins.
  10. frostbite engine so yes ported from bad company (yep its gonna be a bit hit and miss) in the end of the day we wall know there is a big gap in the market. Whether or not this fills it only time will tell.
  11. keep up the good work, wed be fucked without ya
  12. CPU 2000 Pikeys on red bull RAM 2 baby sheep Videocard 8800 ovulating woman with arse intruding dildo's Soundcard The late Barry White Storage 2 cupboard's and a sink Motherboard The one from eastenders (peggy) Antivirus my girth Mouse Its got 2 buttons Keyboard Beethoven Headphones BT cordless + sticky back plastic Connection I have fully functioning sperm Wheel/Pedals 2 legs and one masive cock Joypad i prefer my right hand TV tv is good Sound system my ears
  13. i dnt know weather to agree or disagree :ph34r:
  14. i just feel sorry for bf2... so many problems there and no patch yet - apparently its coming but these guys have had YEARS or this. Dont know what its like for cod... but yeah gl.
  15. lol im thick i just realised the guy u were talkin about is in AfeX^ ! lol, hes no hacker or a bad guy, probably just copying wot someone done 2 him n me once, was lolz.
  16. hope yall had a goodun'
  17. I recently gave up sga status to re-apply under a different tag (new clan), that request was completed (thanks surfy) from this forum thread. I am trying to apply for the new team account but get the messagee: "You have already applied for admin status and your application was approved. More info can be found at the following Forum Post " The forum post link doesn't work for me. :S
  18. lol my vaio overheats ... its taken a battering :S
  19. cracking choice there ace... my joking choice: http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=wskT6YfVB6E my serious choice: http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=VDoO5vmBnsE
  20. i would love to see an app that could be used by admins in conjunction with pbucon.exe so that admins can view with ease guid's latest ss's etc (basically all the streaming data) without needing to use the website or looking at the pblogs :) I have begun making one myself but as a vb nublet it is taking me a while... I started to make it because I wanted a much easier way to a) get the data and B) view the latest ss's with a simple click and without constant searching etc. I also plan(ed) to make a feature to auto download and display ss's on demand as they come in... of course this could not necessarily be supported by pbbans as every server and their ss's work differently... I also know that there are much easier ways to come up with a solution to my so called problem (i.e. retrieving the data from pbsvss.htm instead of from pbucon.log, or by using the pb_sv_SsCmd command) although if you think about it doing it the way that I am talking about would give you the ability to send server commands and also the advantage that the data really is live. Also my GSP will not let us use the pb_sv_SsCmd command :( pbucon.exe is a very powerful tool (as the pbbans hub already demonstrates) but I know that it can be taken a step further in terms of admins using it on their machines... this is why I started trying to make an admin app... although expect it not to be ready for another year lol. anyway this seems to be a very long winded post so I shall just leave it there. overall though you cannot fault pbbans... even if you try... in which case you are sad.
  21. keep safe all and have a good one wherever you are :) ... I'm wondering how many pathetic noobz will be getting a nice guid ban on xmas day from pbbans :) lol ...
  22. only ever had one bug with firefox and that was due to a toolbar i used.
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