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Everything posted by Duality

  1. So, so true.
  2. Duality


    *cough* Bethere.co.uk *cough*
  3. Duality


    Got some catching up to do with the 'ald reputation system there Bob ;)
  4. I don't know why they insist on calling it Battlefield any more. What was battlefield is long gone.
  5. I didn't buy it. Played the MP beta, was disappointed. Played the SP (totally through legal means, natch) was even more disappointed. Game just isn't good.
  6. It is indeed possible to stream to more than one organisation that uses UCON for streaming. That includes us and GV, as well as a few others. There is a set up guide in the information center that explains how to set up streaming without replacing your config files. Look up the RCON setup specifically :) It is necessary to have a streaming account here in order for you to stream your servers. We do not offer a streaming service for those that do not have an account. Hope this helps :)
  7. You know HSMagnet, its really not cool to edit your specs before posting :P We all know yours runs by pedal power :P
  8. Sounds alright, that - actually. I don't think I will pre-order yet though. Burnt once already by COD pre-orders.
  9. But quick scoping is so pro!
  10. After MW2, I will be waiting for a nice pile of reviews and comments from our SGAs and members before I go anywhere near it's steam page or boxed copy.
  11. No thanks :P
  12. I pre-ordered DCS: A10 to get into the beta. Full of bugs as you would expect with early builds - but they seriously have the accuracy of the simulation down to the letter. There is a certain thrill in flying a sortie from startup, to fencing in, to deploying ordnance and landing to shutdown. I just don't get that kind of thrill from mainstream FPS games any more. They even modelled the targeting pod down to the IR laser being visible in your NVGs at night. I love attention to detail, and this game has it in bucketloads.
  13. Proper game for me ;)
  14. Sadly true. I don't play online FPS much at all any more - I have long moved into other, more challenging genres :)
  15. Good DLC = good. Will purchase. Example - ArmA2 British Armed Forces pack.
  16. I am not going as far to say I am boycotting - if the reviews come out and the general opinion is that it isn't a bad game, I may get it. Call me naive, but I'm hoping that the MP of MOH has gotten a serious overhaul - at least then I have an alternative to Black Ops.
  17. I cannot speak for other clans (some like to be a little...over-zealous with the background checks) - but with the most basic of research it is possible to see that you did not cause that ban. I don't envisage that you would have any problems though. On another note, when someone signs up to this site - they go through a number of background checks for the simple reason that we give cheaters absolutely nothing here (besides the right of appeal obviously), not even a standard member account. The fact that your account has not been restricted means that we have found no reason to suspect you of cheating. :) Leave some bad feedback or even try and get your money back - the guy sold you dodgy goods.
  18. There are a couple more than that :P But yes, EvenBalance is a small business. The actual numbers though, I do not know about. That was an interesting podcast - and I both agreed and disagreed with some of the points. However, I will be waiting for the post-launch opinions to come out before I put any money at all down for this game or MoH for that matter.
  19. Rodeobob is unfortunately inactive here at PBBans for the moment - so I apologise that your PMs have as yet gone unanswered. I don't have access to the necessary areas to make the changes - so hopefully MaydaX or fozzer will be able to help you more when they see this thread.
  20. Awesome game, well worth a look if you like RTS :)
  21. Yeah that works for me. :)
  22. It just astounds me that these people simply do not learn. Do they have selective hearing or what? There was so much upset over the use of VAC in MW2, and there was upset as well about having dedi servers that are so restricted. Why did they not just listen? I just don't play any COD games any more. Starcraft 2, Eve Online and the ArmA series for me :)
  23. I... don't know what to make of this. Thanks for the let-down Treyarch! I knew you wouldn't erm... let us down. Hah.
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