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Everything posted by Duality

  1. The petition wasn't a boycott.
  2. This should be interesting :D
  3. http://twitter.com/fourzerotwo Interesting.
  4. Its a legit console command, don't worry about it. I expect it would be useful to put it higher if you were playing via an error-prone connection like a dodgy phone line, satellite or wifi.
  5. I wonder if it is worth installing now... Last time I reinstalled it, it was pretty dead online. This patch may give it a new lease of life like BF2 got.
  6. I agree completely - but if you read through the IW forums (when they are up), the large majority of posts just contain things like "F*** IW" and "I hope Bobby Kotick dies" and not forgetting "402 can **** my **** in his ****". Of course they are going to ignore the criticism when it is written like that - and that's why we get categorised as whiney nerds. :( The people that post like that are of course a minority segment of the community - it is just unfortunate that they are the most vocal. It just gives fuel to people who like to stereotype us as a community and only serves to damage our credibility with things like the petition. I think it would have been taken much more seriously if people hadn't posted things like "LOL i signed liek 12 times" or signed with names like "402 is a *******" and "MW2 suxx0rz". Of course it is wishful thinking that an online petition gets taken seriously in the first place, but you have to agree that there are a core of people in the PC community who put forward what they want in a wholly inappropriate way - thus damaging our reputation and credibility as a whole.
  7. I found this on the IW forums - it echoes my sentiments exactly: http://www.infinityward.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=24&t=180756
  8. Yes, perhaps it is somewhat naive of me to assume that it is smooth sailing for everyone. Still though, I believe that they have done a better job with IWNet for most than what people expected.
  9. I have had issues here and there - but never to the extent of what is shown in that video. The video is BS to be frank. The Steam servers had some issues yesterday which messed up MP for quite some time. The video was uploaded yesterday. This is one of the reasons I actually bought the game - so many of these videos and forum posts that are made by "PC community members" are actually full of shite and do not accurately reflect the current state of the game. The majority of posts on the IW forum are immature rants and whining, rather than well thought out criticisms of the product. This is exactly why developers and publishers are turning away from the PC, and exactly why the IW PC forums have no responses whatsoever from devs in them. Sometimes the community isn't worth the time and effort put into it. More trolls and children than anyone with anything of value to say.
  10. Reactivated - I assume by the URL that you require a team name and tag change? Post up what you need here and ill sort that for you.
  11. Give me a few minutes to deal with this - it appears I completely missed your PMs. I had to dig deep to find them :( Apologies for the inconvenience. Edit: The URL supplied, www.spudgaming.com does not appear to be operational. Can you verify this? Cheers.
  12. If you have the cash spare and a beast of a rig to play them on - these are good games. I have played through both quite a few times. Both the original and Warhead are up there in my list of favourite games.
  13. The more I play it, the more annoyed I am getting... :mellow: This game isn't going to last long, I'll wager.
  14. Hit the nail on the head. +1 rep for you. :lol: I am just ignoring all the hate and enjoying what has turned out to be a pretty good game :) You can. I'm running at 1680x1050.
  15. I resent the fact that you believe it is to do with age. I have been playing games on the PC since the DOS era. The only console I ever owned was the original Playstation. I consider myself to be a PC gamer through and through. What I am not however, is a league or clan player. I had my fill of all that with COD4, and the scene just does not appeal to me any more. So, for all intents and purposes - the current implementation of MW2 MP suits me just fine. I am one of the "casual" players they keep going on about in their press releases. I jump in for an hour or two when I have time. Does the lack of dedicated servers suck? Yep it does - without a doubt. But what some of you need to get into your head is this game is not the massive trainwreck failure you so desperately want it to be. It has issues, bugs, shortcomings - like any other game. But is it a failure? Nope. This game is FUN. Isn't that what gaming is supposed to be about? I am having a blast playing it, both online and offline - so it is deserving of my money. I purchased this game because all I see on every single forum (barring this one for the most part) is nothing but whining and trolling, punctuated by the periodic flaming of people that purchased and had good things to say about it. I decided that because of this, I would purchase the game and see for myself. I am not one to be swayed by popular opinion - nor will I jump on a bandwagon concerning a particular issue. I resent the fact that Dedi servers have been taken out, but IWNet WORKS. As I said earlier, it has issues - but for the most part I have enjoyed a great MP experience. If you go into the game expecting completely issue and lag free gaming that is clan and competitive gaming friendly then you will leave disappointed. But, if you are like me and have little time or motivation to personally get involved in such things (and therefore are branded a "casual gamer" or a "traitor" to the "rightious PC cause") then you will not be disappointed. I am not what some of you will call a "consoletard" or a hypocrite. I signed the petition, because I want dedicated servers. What I did not agree to is any kind of boycott or suchlike - so I really could not care less what people's opinions of me are for purchasing this game. If people want to start questioning my motives and whether I am a "true PC gamer" (because you know damn well that is what you are implying) then to be honest my time as a member of this community will be quickly drawing to an end. I don't want to be a part of a wider community that pushes away its own because they enjoyed a game against popular opinion. If I come across as defensive - its because I am. Every forum I read has posts like this (some harsher than others), basically telling people that they are "retarded" or "dumbing down" for enjoying this game. I wont let people tell me that I am wrong or I am supporting PC gaming going in the "wrong direction". Its just different. People should not be so afraid of change.
  16. Bought it, playing it. Review incoming. Also, you may all be surprised to find that its not all bad. Fricka, you can change the resolution once the campaign has been started. Esc options menu.
  17. I'm a poor student *cough* - so games come out of my food budget. I'm on microwavable burgers for the foreseeable future.
  18. I already bought L4D2, Borderlands and Dragon Age :lol: I had the cash spare so I thought meh, why not. I'll try it out and post up how it goes. At least then people here can have an opinion on the game from someone who is playing it for it's merits - and not just jumping on the "OMG IW == EVIL" bandwagon. Screenshots and a short review can be expected forthwith.
  19. I have removed you (and the other remaining user) from Account 1088 and locked it. I have also changed your forum display name, although your actual log-in name will remain the same. Let me know if you need anything else.
  20. No.
  21. Did i miss the announcement where this thread is now a commentary on my 'morals' McBain?
  22. I'm not going to click that, seeing as FOX News is the "Daily Mail" of the USA :P I'll agree with some critics that what I have seen of the "terrorist" scene was clumsily done. Ninja edit: I am most likely going to pick up a copy at some point, probably purchasing on steam. The whole "boycott" and petition thing isn't going to change an awful lot - P2P MP in PC games is most likely going to become the norm. Even ID Software is going with P2P MP in their new game, "Rage". Who knows, if you have a decent connection and don't bother with clans/leagues - IWNet may not be that bad. *shrugs*
  23. WTF, they actually made a copyright claim against that video... poor losers? :P :lol:
  24. We have reason to believe that the two members you were asked to remove are still very much in your clan. One of them was seen in your Vent server, and playing wearing your clan's tags - days after you were asked to remove him. I'm afraid that your account is going to remain suspended and you are going to have to seek out an alternative anti-cheat solution. I believe that Surfy is dealing with your particular account - I expect she may have more to add once she is online tomorrow.
  25. http://bashandslash.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=787&Itemid=111 One word: AWESOME.
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