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Everything posted by Duality

  1. We have had no problems with people downloading from the server via FTP - no lag spikes for people connected or anything like that; even when people are downloading entire mods and maps :) See if your server host provides a "fast download" service.
  2. We do it as an FTP transfer from the server itself - usually quite fast. We can't afford the bandwidth costs for hosting on the site :P
  3. Dear god... and to think people this retarded are in positions of power... It beggars belief don't you think? EDIT: Ooooer, sorry for the necro-post ;)
  4. Yes, PB is the preferred anti-cheat solution in modern games. Other anti-cheat solutions are usually ran client-side - so obviously there is a trust issue there. As for hex-editing game files, that would still trigger a kick - due to the fact that the game-file's MD5 fingerprint would still be changed, regardless of the fact that nothing was added or taken away. I expect that such activities would return a "file integrity error" of some description when joining a server.
  5. I agree with everyone else here - But unfortunately this is what you get when you allow 12 year olds to run servers :P Find yourself a better clan mate, you will be better off without them and their completely, utterly, awfully inept admins.
  6. I, too set knife to mouse wheel (except down, as opposed to up for you MaydaX :P). The only problem I see is with mouse wheel +attack bindings and single shot weapons. In fact my clan is due to have an admin meeting soon - and I intend to discuss whether we start kicking/local banning for it. The way I see it, it is an exploit. It is indeed a hotly debated issue, and I think it will remain at the Admin's discretion as to whether local bans are handed out. I cannot really see any anti-cheat software kicking for binds - unless a custom CVAR check script was introduced. Even then I cannot see it being adopted by all admins - and I cannot see that everyone will agree on whether it is bad or not!
  7. A friend of mine uses cg_fov 80 with no problems - no kicks or bans: and he frequents on my server which streams to PBBans - complete with CVAR checks. I think it may depend which CVAR checks other admins have set up. Not sure about the others.
  8. Ahh ok, that makes sense :) Thanks for the help! EDIT: All fixed and sorted out now, thanks a lot for the help Tabasco :)
  9. Hello everyone - I am a server admin in the ShadowBlades COD4 clan. Our head admin recently set up our servers to stream to PBBans, which is working great so far. My question is this - Our head admin already has Streaming Server Admin status on this forum - and being an admin myself I would also like to apply for Admin status on these forums. Looking at the fields in my personal info page - I can put my clan and server information in, but how can I be confirmed as a streaming server admin on these forums without accidentally reapplying for a Streaming Server account? I don't want to break anything on this site by accidentally applying another streaming server account or anything like that. Can someone here point me in the right direction please? Thanks everyone :) Duality - ShadowBlades Clan Server Admin www.sbclan.co.uk
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