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Everything posted by Duality

  1. Duality


    Have you attempted to reinstall punkbuster?
  2. Your ban was lifted - that GUID was clean. Your violation was caused by having your iw3mp.exe renamed to the same name as a known cheat file. The ban has been lifted and it should not happen again. PBBans of course apologises for the inconvenience. :)
  3. Thankyou for taking the time to post and explain what has happened here - our userbase will appreciate it :) I think you may have misunderstood my post at the start of the thread, however - I was not saying that using the program was against the ROE - I was stating that it is legal in terms of what we ban for, but I was not sure what implications the EA ROE would have on its use. I hope you don't mind, but I wrapped the e-mail conversation in "spoiler" tags - just to make the post a little bit easier to read.
  4. This should get what you need: http://www.evenbalance.com/troubleticket/n...et.php?game=bf2 May take 48-72 hours to get a reply (they get thousands of these a day) - so be patient :)
  5. It is not up to us to see if it is acceptable by punkbuster - you will need to contact Evenbalance :)
  6. Whether Hitfixer becomes kickable/bannable is up to Evenbalance - the ethics of it is up to them. We are just saying that until they confirm either way, you use it at your own risk. As for their declaration that it was "approved by Punkbuster" - that appears to be a fabrication. As for using Autohotkey to run anything, there is a high probability that you will be kicked and banned if you use it in game on a streaming server. It comes under the AUTOFIRE #110000 range of detections if I remember rightly.
  7. As far as I am aware - autohotkey can trigger a PB violation, yes. EDIT: Punkbuster DOES kick for the use of Autohotkey - a bannable violation. Punkbuster does not deny you use of the game for using autohotkey - we do; based off the violations raised by Punkbuster. Add to this the fact that PBBans is an autonomous organisation completely separate from EB, and the fact that our banlist is not enforced across all servers (and where it is used, it is used voluntarily) - it leaves no standing for people to take legal action against us. So, Surfy's statement stands - if PB decide to kick for using Hitfixer, and we add it as a bannable violation - you will be banned for using it.
  8. Quote that in the thread over at BF2S - would be interesting to see how they come back from that one, to be honest.
  9. Brilliant :) *************************************************************** Team: -JarHead- (-JarHead-) Account ID: 2148 Streaming Status: Streaming (1 / 1) *************************************************************** --------------------------------------------------------------- Server List --------------------------------------------------------------- COD4 - (Streaming) --------------------------------------------------------------- User List --------------------------------------------------------------- -JarHead- (144) Helpful Links: Account Management CVAR / MD5 Scans (Setup and Use) PBBans Hub Flags Master Player Index Not Streaming Fix
  10. Well that is the server you have on your team account - and our system says that it is not streaming. Try this: http://www.pbbans.com/webtool.php That should get it back up and running in a few seconds.
  11. You need to set that server up to stream: *************************************************************** Team: -JarHead- (-JarHead-) Account ID: 2148 Streaming Status: Not Streaming (0 / 1) *************************************************************** --------------------------------------------------------------- Server List --------------------------------------------------------------- COD4 - --------------------------------------------------------------- User List --------------------------------------------------------------- -JarHead- (144) Helpful Links: Account Management CVAR / MD5 Scans (Setup and Use) PBBans Hub Flags Master Player Index Not Streaming Fix
  12. A little more to add - from our Quakenet channel...
  13. I would say that it was some sort of packet drop or corrupt data from the server. I get things like that in some COD4 rcon programs when my connection is a bit dodgy.
  14. Check your firewall settings - and make sure that the punkbuster services are allowed to communicate.
  15. Very sorry to hear the bad news mate - as RodeoBob says, our thoughts are with him. :)
  16. An old post, but something I thought I would dig up and sticky - as I get a lot of questions about how to limit RCON capability in COD4, and I also recently stickied a thread for another good RCON program. These two threads should be a good resource for PBBans members and SGA's looking for a way to admin their servers - developed by a PBBans SGA :) My clan uses this - and it does a fantastic job. :)
  17. I liked this so much, I moved it to public COD4 section, and stickied it. Great program - will only get better :)
  18. I have seen this before... and in terms of what PBBans does - it is legal. As for EA's ROE though, I am not sure. It changes settings not usually available to the player - and it certainly does not make for a level playing field.
  19. RodeoBob is on fire today :P :lol:
  20. As long as you set up the servers to stream (using RCON, FTP or the webtool) and add them to the account, you are good to go. You just have to wait for an admin to approve them.
  21. The can't do anything with your IP :) I would not worry.
  22. Not much we can do I'm afraid. Unless you want to contact the server owners and encourage them to stream :lol:
  23. Don't worry guys - we always catch them in the end ;) A quote from one of our SGAs - and so true. These hacker communities will get cocky now they have escaped bans from this detection. Cockyness leads to carelessness. Carelessness gets you caught ;)
  24. You need to apply for a PBBans team account, and when it is accepted - you can add the servers to your account.
  25. +1 for clanRcon! You might have noticed my fervent support for this project... this is because my clan uses it. It does the job, and more :)
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