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Everything posted by Duality

  1. Point well made Lucky_Fr4gger - thanks. unknown1965 you do not have a team account here - but that server is listed under the =BOO= clan team account. Tell the current owner of the account to reactivate the server via the accountcp, or get that person to add you under that account. All other servers are running fine: *************************************************************** Team: Base of Operations (=BOO=) Account ID: 4123 Streaming Status: Streaming (3 / 4) *************************************************************** --------------------------------------------------------------- Server List --------------------------------------------------------------- CODWW - (Streaming) CODWW - COD4 - (Streaming) COD4 - (Streaming)
  2. Click "activate" on your server management page in the AccCp.
  3. Apply for a team account and stream your servers :)
  4. You have no greetings set on any of your servers.
  5. Fine here mate. CTRL+F5?
  6. MPI data will not be edited under any circumstances. As Siskin said - surely the clan in question can see that the person causing the violation is not you? That said, it is their prerogative to interpret our data as they see fit.
  7. Will hopefully get some pics up some time today - moving house, then I will be able to take some snaps. Seriously nothing to look at though :lol: The whole thing is pretty dusty - but it serves me well :) Antec Solo Case Coolermaster eXtreme power 500W PSU Gigabyte 965P-DS3 (rev 3.3) Mobo Q6600 @ 2.4 (no overclock - not got decent enough cooling yet, just some random LED fan) 2Gb DDR2-800 RAM Radeon 4850 1Gb (stock clocks as well - looking into an aftermarket cooler... memory overclock always results in artefacts)
  8. http://www.pbbans.com/account/server.php Click "activate" underneath the server details.
  9. I won't have time to really play the beta - but I have reserved my name :)
  10. Well, reinstalling drivers and using drivercleaner in safe mode before doing the reinstall did not fix my problem in COD4. However - it did find a LOT of stuff from previous installations, so it was probably a good idea to run it.
  11. Nice rig :) I will upload some pics of mine in a bit (not much to look at though, the Gigabyte mobo I have got is not laid out very well so it makes cable management a nightmare - especially with IDE ribbon cables
  12. I hope ATI release 9.1 soon - there are a lot of people having problems with this driver. But, considering I have tried 8.11 and 8.10, I don't think it is a driver problem. A 4870X2... I am jealous :lol: I love my 4850 though - the 1Gb VRAM means that I can whack the AA right up on any game and only lose a couple of frames :)
  13. Cheers for posting guys, looks like you are as stumped as me :lol: Looks like this may be one for the official COD4 forums :(
  14. Have you tried everything in the Information Center? Check for the pbucon.use file in your PB directory. That is the most common culprit. Make sure PB is up to date as well - your server is currently running PunkBuster Server (v1.251 | A1365 C1.227).
  15. Anyone seen this before? Laser dot in COD4 (with NV enabled) is absolutely massive when "soften smoke edges" is enabled. Makes the game really annoying to play unless I turn that setting off (and what is the point, when you have a high end card an quad core CPU? :P). Help greatly appreciated, screenshots attached. Running an ATI Radeon HD4850 1Gb, 8.12 drivers, Windows XP SP3. Note that I am pointing at objects in the distance with the laser - any closer and it whites out the screen pretty much. Tried reinstalling COD4, patching in different orders on reinstall - and tried different drivers. :(
  16. http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?sho...mp;#entry208567 Take a read.
  17. Erm, no. To do so would make a mockery of streaming - and we only allow clans to stream that have a zero tolerance policy. You clearly do not support a zero tolerance policy. Also, you were streaming a cracked server - which is against our TOS. As such your account is suspended indefinitely and the server IP is blacklisted from ever being added to our system again. Whether you will be allowed to stream again if you change your server to non-cracked remains to be seen, considering what you posted to ask...
  18. From the MPI data we can discern that at some point, your server's IP was used to play the game. Which means that either the server itself was used, or both the server and your gaming machine are connected via the same router - giving them both the same external IP.
  19. The rules are there for a reason and they are not up for debate. If your application thread was closed then there was nothing stopping you sending a PM to any staff member to discuss and clarify your application status. I am not concerned with your banned GUID - the fact is that your server box was used to play the game that it is hosting, which we do not allow under any circumstances. The checks exist for security reasons. If you decide to co-locate your server box at a known datacenter, you can by all means reapply for streaming.
  20. There is no reason why a server's IP should ever end up on the MPI. The checks are there for security reasons.
  21. Hendrik is a good guy - he will have looked into this for you. He isn't blowing it off - one can only assume that certain hacks make this API call. Hacks use various methods to inject their overlays into the game, and they probably use the same method that this tool uses to change desktop themes. Look at it this way - you are better off getting a kick for a program like this being forbidden by PB, than getting a false positive gamehack kick and a subsequent ban - which is what would happen if they were really blowing this off.
  22. I would like to personally thank you all for your patience in this matter. To an outsider who has not seen inside this community, it would appear that downtime this severe would cause membership to take a hit - as people give up waiting and find alternatives. The amount of support you guys show us staff is heartwarming and to be honest it is what keeps me going here - no matter what happens and no matter how much e-drama decides to surface. Thanks a lot for your support guys. Knowing that we provide a good service to you is all the payment I need. :)
  23. We all miss the hub :( It will be up again as soon as we can manage - we do apologise for the stoppage :) Us staff are streamers too - so it inconveniences us as well :lol:
  24. Set it up to stream, and you will be good to go :) Your forum status will change once the server is streaming. *************************************************************** Team: Xtreme Idiots (>XI Account ID: 2073 Streaming Status: Not Streaming (0 / 1) *************************************************************** --------------------------------------------------------------- Server List --------------------------------------------------------------- COD4 - --------------------------------------------------------------- User List --------------------------------------------------------------- greywolf2 (115283) Helpful Links: Account Management CVAR / MD5 Scans (Setup and Use) PBBans Hub Flags Master Player Index Automated Hub Setup Not Streaming Fix
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