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Everything posted by Duality

  1. Either way, the server will not be permitted to stream to us for that reason. It is for security reasons on our end.
  2. Nope, this is an RTS :)
  3. Welcome to the inner sanctum ;)

  4. I love it! :D How about a co-op or a 3v3 vs AI tonight? "PBBDuality" on GFWL.
  5. Home servers are not permitted to stream to us, and we do not make exceptions to that rule. You will either need to colocate at a DC, or rent.
  6. We have all been there :) Server approved and streaming.
  7. We will accept individuals, or non-clan organisations - but as Blackwolf said, only if they meet the criteria of having a site and an active forum.
  8. As I said previously - you may not re-apply with that server. It has been blacklisted and all attempts to add it to any account are reported to PBBans Administrative Staff.
  9. A catch 22 indeed - but rules are rules and my decision on this application stands. You may reapply in a couple of weeks when you have some evidence of a good level of activity on your forums.
  10. Every other team that applies to us is put through the same checks, so I can't start making exceptions for people simply because they want to get into the leagues ASAP. With the current situation in anti-cheat we cannot start accepting teams that look like they were set up just days ago. Forum activity is not something that can be accurately quantified in any way - so it is purely a judgement call on the part of the reviewing admin. I don't believe that forums with at most 3 posts in them constitute an active forum.
  11. New regulations as per recent events has lead us to become more stringent on our procedures. The two things we require are a publicly available roster (which was fine on your site) and a forum with a basic level of activity. This means some threads with more than one reply, and forums with more than two threads in them. We do this to judge clan longevity - as it takes a lot of work to sort out new team accounts for teams - which goes to waste if I take the time setting up a new team with only 2 threads on their forum and then find that they close up the next day. The system would only get clogged up with unused team accounts.
  12. One of the first checks we carry out is check the applicant's IP against the server IP. They should never match. If they do then streaming is denied as a matter of course. If you can register on these forums with the same IP as your server - then you can obviously play a game from the same IP as the server, which we do not allow for a number of reasons. You may not re-apply for streaming with this server.
  13. Duality

    uk drivers

    I am a tit.
  14. Duality

    uk drivers

    Something strikes me as dodgy about this: - Heart Internet Network United Kingdom Jonathan Brealey 2 Castle Quay, Castle Boulevard, Nottingham. NG7 1FW phone: +44.8456447750 Jonathan Brealey 2 Castle Quay, Castle Boulevard, Nottingham. NG7 1FW phone: +44.8456447750 HEART-INTERNET Source: whois.ripe.net You would expect the domain to be registered to a government agency, not an individual... and the lack of .gov domain makes me suspicious.
  15. Congratulations :D What are you going to do with the pups? Keep them or sell them on?
  16. The "[" character is not allowed in names - due to the forums using BBCode.
  17. The server is currently in another clans account: http://www.pbbans.com/msi.php?action=1&amp...2.91.37%3A28960 I'll remove the server from that account, as it appears to be not in use anymore. EDIT: Add it now.
  18. You can make a new thread in this forum section. Closed.
  19. I stuck the e-mail in spoiler tags, it was a bit massive - so that will collapse it until someone wants to read it in it's entirety. As RodeoBob says, this is probably not the best place to be posting this. We do not have any kind of influence or control over Evenbalance - and the users here are the least likely people to have a global ban they want to contest. I am debating whether I leave your post as it is - it is inciting spam to Evenbalance, which would only make things worse for people wanting to contest their bans. As for the thread, I will take a step back from the discussion for now. As long as participants keep it clean and respectful - I won't have a reason to come back in ;)
  20. Apparently you are not as cool as me and Lucky.
  21. Server is streaming just fine. BF series RCON does not give any kind of reply - so even if the commands don't give you a reply, they are still working :) Just don't log into anyone else's account here - it constitutes a breach of the TOS ;) Welcome to the community :)
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