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Everything posted by Duality

  1. Both me and Fozzer are on the UK ISP "Bethere". www.bethere.co.uk
  2. Not according to the reviews :lol:
  3. Thank [insert your non-specific deity here] I didn't buy it when I was browsing steam for something to buy the other day :lol:
  4. Got in via HTTP tunnel through university *nix boxes. http://dsi.clanservers.com/ gives me a "well done for installing cpanel" page. http://dsi.clanservers.com/html/index.php gives me a 404. EDIT: Nevermind - was my odd access method getting me those pages :lol: Site is fine from here :)
  5. Fozzer and I are on the same ISP (probably on the same exchange too), so I don't think it likes our ISP.
  6. Don't make me edit your profile yourself using the pics on your site gallery :D

  7. Verdict: Fail.

  8. Blackwolf - someone set a big penis as your display pic on this profile!

    Wait, nevermind.

  9. Using the shortcut command makes it very easy for malicious people to get your RCON password. Use the .cfg method as described by Merlintime. Yes, the config must be executed each time you join the server :) /rcon status To display slot numbers /rcon banuser [slotnumber] To ban :)
  10. *sigh* Because criticising hackers for their mistakes is fun - especially when they refuse to take the friendly and accurate advice posted above them. :rolleyes: Thread Closed. [Edit: You know what would help? If I actually remembered to close the thread after making a witty closer...]
  11. So if I take this file, start up COD4 on a pb server with that file and RA3 running, I will trigger a full blown multihack violation? I don't believe you - but if you believe it to be the case you should contact evenbalance with that file for them to test it.
  12. :lol: Trust me, they are real people ;) As for global bans, all you can do is ask about them in the troubleticket. All I can say is that they are administered by Evenbalance themselves and are not lifted.
  13. My comment was probably a little out of line there. You have to understand though - a lot of people here are weiried by hearing the same excuses time and time again, and as such those explanations are often met with cynicism. Until the ticket comes back either way, we won't know.
  14. I smell it too - but I guess we will find out soon, when EB answer the ticket...
  15. I find things like this happen most on 'jump' servers and the like. The one that cracked me up most was "stop shooting or I will ban you at PBBans"... I don't think he realised who I was :lol:
  16. Really? I use terminal too much then! :lol: My latest assignment is about bash scripting though - so I guess it comes with the territory :P
  17. Takes a bit of getting used to - but once you find the things you need, it works great :)
  18. Because $ sudo is any better? :P
  19. Duality


    I think it is the method used to generate such signatures that he is interested in. Maybe MaydaX would be able to help there :)
  20. Disabling the Customer Improvement Program dialogues is a good idea but... Disabling UAC - Stupid thing to do... Annoying, yes - but silly to disable it, as it might well save your skin - particularly if you are an IE user. Linux has the same thing implemented in an even worse way - but people don't moan about it. This is just jumping on the bandwagon I reckon. Freeing up RAM - If you think you need to do all that to free up RAM in Vista, you are wrong. Vista uses a different style of memory management, as in it uses as much as it needs until it is used by a different program. What is the point of having 2Gb of RAM if your OS only uses 256Mb of it? Vista uses a lot of RAM to keep itself running smooth. Run a game or other RAM intensive operation and Vista will free up the RAM as necessary. As for the other points, disable Windows Defender - its crap. I agree with that point :lol:. Don't disable automatic updates fully though - just set it to notify and not download and install without permission. That way you always stay up to date without it using resources or bandwidth.
  21. http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=45536
  22. Dominator smells.

  23. Is your router's firewall set up to actively block any ports? Might be an issue there. Do you have the problem on any other servers? Or games for that matter?
  24. My clan leader speaks like that online - a long running bad habit :P
  25. I would point the finger at Zone Alarm here. Check that the correct exceptions are set up to allow the PB services to communicate both in and out.
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