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Everything posted by Duality

  1. http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=57923
  2. If you need any help - contact me :)
  3. Holy thread revival batman! :blink: This thread is from 2005, so I'll bring this one to a close ;) Feel free to start a new thread about your concerns - but I don't think you will get much in the way of comments, apart from "yes", "no" or "maybe". It is always hard to predict who PB will bust next, and what for. :)
  4. I only became a server admin in February - and look where I am now :) There is so much to learn here mate, and we all started off the same :) Never be afraid to ask questions; the only stupid question is the one that goes unasked.
  5. Tidied up a bit - you don't need to put colourcodes before every word. :) pb_sv_taskempty //Task setup for PunkBuster pb_sv_task 30 150 "say ^2Welcome to ^7<^2Westcoast^7> ^1Frag ^2Shack!" pb_sv_task 60 150 "say ^2Please respect the other players." pB_sv_task 90 150 "say ^245 kills wins the map." pb_sv_task 120 150 "say ^2Thanks for stopping by Westcoast ^1Frag Shack! ^2Come on back!"
  6. You seem to already have a duplicate forum account, linked to that team. You will need to log in as "Karc" to gain access to the team account. Failing that, one of the Admins should verify this soon and be able to make the necessary alterations.
  7. I will be using that as soon as they get UCON working to view live chat. That is a big must for me - so I can communicate with people on the server.
  8. You should use smartFTP to browse to the server's "PB" folder - then you can simply drag the file into there and it will be uploaded. :) Once it is uploaded, send "pb_sv_restart" to your server via RCON and you will be good to go.
  9. Set your servers up to stream to us, it is a unique feature of the PBBans hub. :) Links in my sig have more information on how to set up streaming, and support channels if you need them :)
  10. Violation #120120 (Gamehook) will remain valid and bannable until Evenbalance inform us otherwise. http://www.pbbans.com/info-center-pbviols.html http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=18614 No further information containing details of the detection will be released. If we are told it is a bug, you will be informed and bans removed accordingly. If you or a friend is kicked/banned for this violation, open an EB troubleticket here: http://www.evenbalance.com/troubleticket/new_ticket.php The general response these tickets are getting is this: It will be best to carry out this procedure before creating the troubleticket to pre-empt their response and speed up a resolution for you.
  11. +1 for ClanRcon - fantastic bit of kit.
  12. To expand upon Blackwolf's post - we do not allow them as they are considered "tampered evidence" and can not be verified by streaming server logs.
  13. If I get really angry in game and /quit out of rage - it sometimes happens to me :P
  14. I'm in yer profile page, stealin' yer hubcaps ;)

  15. Probably in the same house using the same CD Key. This can be prevented by adding this to your punkbuster config: pb_sv_task 60 300 pb_sv_guidrelax 0
  16. Heh awesome ninja skills and pirate rock - what else can I ask for in a vid like that? Kudos man! Back on topic though - I would like to see the server logs where this GUID issue came about.
  17. Only one of those servers is on our system, and neither of them are streaming. The one that we have listed for a team (=S*A*C=): The GUID you specified is not banned on our MBI either - so he has not been caught hacking before. The GUID he came back with is a valid GUID, just with the prefix "LIFELINE" added to it. If you could paste the relevant lines from your server logs, it would enable us to help you more. This is not something I have seen before, personally.
  18. NP Siskin - if you can get him sorted with AON - then we will have another happy customer :D
  19. I mailed Avast with the file - they should have sorted it by now.
  20. This one has me stumped - getting it streaming in the first place was hard enough, but I have no idea why it is stopping streaming, everything is as it should be in terms of files and the RCON commands used to set up.
  21. No it is not possible - GUID's are an integral part of the Punkbuster software. And, as far as I am aware, any attempt to do so would be a violation of the Punkbuster EULA:
  22. I don't play ET myself - but personally I would not place a ban on a player for those. There are so many bugs around that can cause frozen PBSS, ones with graphical anomalies, and ones that display people's desktops. Those screens are clean IMO. On a side note, please don't PM staff to look at threads - you will get plenty of input from people here without requesting it ;) Also - why not stream your servers here? There will be a lot more for you in terms of resources to catch these hackers. Why post screenshots of violations on your forums, when our hub can do all that for you? ;)
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