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Everything posted by Duality

  1. Moan at Evenbalance, they made the decision to detect those hacks - not us. Besides, the reaction you will get if you admit to using such hacks might not be as warm as you would like... Particularly here. I am of the opinion that if you use the rank hack, you are a hacker. Simple as.
  2. You are very welcome, and thanks for the kind words :) If you run a server yourself, do consider setting it up to stream to us! It will keep your server clean and also allow you to contribute back to the community by catching hackers yourself :)
  3. Black sky hacks and GFX issues causing a black sky can be easily differenciated, so you needn't worry about ending up on a ban list anywhere. As for local bans, just stick to servers where you are known - unfortunately there are very few well adminned BF2 servers out there anymore, with the majority being run by banhappy idiots :(
  4. If you are getting messages about a subnet ban - then you have set up subnet restriction with your PBBans AccCP and removing streaming will solve this.
  5. Looks like an awesome service you run there. I approve :)
  6. No time limit at all - come back when you get a server :) If you have problems, just contact a staff member :)
  7. I lold :lol: Have a great holiday everyone :)
  8. Necroposting ftl, and Wh!nzOr can enjoy his newly suspended account for hacking in COD:WW. Thread closed.
  9. Look how funny and suspended his account is! Nothing but spam or flaming in every one of his 4 posts - so his account is suspended for 5 days, so he can reflect upon how he is supposed to address people on a forum.
  10. Your server is streaming fine. Although, you seem to have selected every single flag? PBBans Options Enforce Bans | Accept PB Bans | Announce New Bans | Accept MD5 Bans | Accept CVAR Bans | Allow PAT Reloads | Allow Personal Greetings | Enable MD5 AutoUpdates | Enable CVAR AutoUpdates | Enable Hub Bind Queries External Bans Enforce EBL Bans Enhanced League Options Euro Domination | War Leagues | TeamWarfare | Electronic Sports League | Total Gaming League | Futuretech Gaming League | Evil Territory League | Hostile Tactics Gaming League | Stronger Than All | Realism1 | BattleFrance | GlobalWarfighter League | Americas Army Latin-America | Altimate Gaming | Jolt Gaming League | Definitive Leagues | Multiplayer League I would go through and learn what each of them do. You at least do not need any of those enhanced league options. If your greeting appears, all is fine - streaming ban notifications will only appear when someone is banned. Chances are nobody was banned in the time you were online.
  11. Edited to remove caps, add grammar and prevent my eyes from bleeding.
  12. You need to stream to us to view clean players.
  13. If the server IP is listed on the MPI - that means someone actually played the game, on that server. That generally implies a home-run or LAN server.
  14. In keeping with the courtesy I gave to some of the COD tool developers who posted, Stickied. :)
  15. Ask evenbalance: http://www.evenbalance.com/troubleticket/new_ticket.php
  16. Grab a Linux live CD of any flavour (chocolate, strawberry or Ubuntu/OpenSUSE/Knoppix) - boot your broken PC from CD. Mount your buggered drive (Just clicking on it in "Places" should do it (will be self explanatory when you boot)), and copy everything you need to an external drive :) Easy as pie. Then, once you have rebuilt - take Lucky_Fr4gg3r's advice and invest in Acronis True Image - fantastic bit of software, that.
  17. You appear to be a streaming game admin now - so you should be able to post no problem :)
  18. Add one of our banners/logos to your page - then contact one of the admins and I am sure they would be happy to add you as an affiliate :) Sorry it took so long for you to get a reply - never saw this thread :)
  19. server ip exists on mpi - also on mbi You are running a home server. Also, the server IP exists on the MBI, so I can only wonder what happened there. Server will remain banned.
  20. Lmao Buff, so true :lol:
  21. Add the new server with the new port, then remove the old one once the new one has been approved :)
  22.* server ip exists on mpi You are streaming a home server:
  23. :lol: Some great additions guys, keep them coming :)
  24. Yep, looks like desktop backgrounds to me - clean :)
  25. I can't believe you sig quoted my IRC fail :'( :lol: I am definately glad I did not buy it now :)
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