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Everything posted by Duality

  1. I am proud to be a member of this community. :) Thankyou PBBans! And happy birthday ;)
  2. The funny thing is, my server host posted a warning about Kill3r's mods in their forum. And then proceeded to give him a free server/site for his latest mod I will never, ever knowingly install any mod made by Kill3r on any of my servers.
  3. Funnily enough, something like this happened to me today. The server started lagging like hell, and then some of us got random textures. My gun turned that exact shade of blue. Had to restart a full server to get rid of it. Still no idea what caused it.
  4. This issue has been around for a while - I first noticed it when we had two guys on our server flaming people; and they both had the same GUID. pb_sv_task 60 300 pb_sv_guidrelax 0 works wonders ;)
  5. I use 80 :) I didn't realise how much better it is to use until I tried it. Considering the game caps it and allows it, I suggest you all try it and see how much your situational awareness improves.
  6. Well, unless your server host has something in place to help you patch, all you have to do is upload the files! I know its not what you wanted to hear, but it really is all you have to do :P
  7. All he did was confirm that the bug does not apply to everyone... There must be something occuring on your system to cause the bug to appear.
  8. Brilliant :D Now I have a wallpaper for my ATI powered desktop back at home :)
  9. To get full access to the master player index, you will need to stream your servers here. If you don't wish to stream however, you can still use the master ban index. Simply put the players GUID into the box at the left of the front page of the site, and click check. It will come back and tell you if they are banned or not :)
  10. Nicely done! Lol monsterenergy22 :P
  11. Cheers for posting, I replied on your forums :) Notice for other readers: It was my cockup, not the program. :P
  12. We wanted the patch ASAP - so our head admin took a lot of time backing up, then uploading the new files :P
  13. I agree with Daggers. We do allow swearing in our server - but there is absolutely no need for player-to-player abuse and racism. So when that happens - kick. And game-over, as a server owner yourself; you must realise that you do have the right to craft a gaming environment that caters to your taste - and if that involves kicking for bad language, so be it. Regardless of the fact that the game is rated 18, parents are still gonna buy it for their kids :P
  14. Can you post the text from the log (minus GUID of course) - would be interesting to see the CVAR that was kicked for. Considering you are a league admin, do you have any league specific restrictions in place in the form of CVAR/script checks?
  15. Hello Hawkins, cheers for posting :) My issue is, that although the word filter does work - the actual parsing is not. For example instead of getting: SB|- Duality: LOL I get: 345:22 say;;2;SB|-Duality;: LOL (or however the format of the log is) on each line. I will register on your forums when I get home tonight, and we can discuss it - and I can post up some examples of our logs and the output from your program :) Cheers again mate.
  16. Im running on Vista SP1. What is happening is that the strings returned on each line do not appear like yours (just the player name) - they include the "say" command and the GUID etc. Is this wrong? As for the filtering, I see it now - nice :D
  17. Fantastic - will register on your site and grab this later. Cheers mate :D EDIT: ermm, it doesn't work... It just spits the log file back out. Any ideas? I don't get output like yours - mine still includes the entire lines from the log - although it does filter just for chat it seems. What is the wordlist.txt for? I don't see any highlighting or anything like that.
  18. Welcome 4NDY, nice to see another scouser here! :P
  19. You lost me at "LOMAO". I agree that servers run by immature admins are the bane of anyone's gaming life, but as Piggy said, you really need to express yourself in a concise manner - this isnt MSN or AIM; its a forum.
  20. Great to see that you got it to work :) Certainly is a handy bind :D
  21. Im using this now, never thought of doing it this way :) Cheers for the tip ;) Have you guys got any more tips/tricks/binds that you use and would like to share? Im eager to learn :P
  22. Yeah, so your path would look like this: "x:\Program Files (x86)\Activision\Call of Duty 4 - Modern Warfare\iw3mp.exe" +connect "ip address:port" +rcon login "password" Obviously remove the quote marks around ip address:port and password.
  23. Cheers for the tip, I will be using that bind now ;) As for auto-login on connect, it is possible. If you create a shortcut to COD4 Mulitplayer, you can simply add the following to it's "target" line: +connect "ip address:port" +rcon login "password" If you have a server password or private slots with a password, just add +password "password" That shortcut will connect you to the server, and log you in as admin right off the bat. Simply replace "ip address:port" and "password" with your credentials, obviously without the quotation marks. Hope this helps someone!
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