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Everything posted by Duality

  1. Duality

    Optimus Ryhme

    I completely concur. I lol'd heartily.
  2. If they haven't fixed the spawn logic - then you won't find me playing this online much. It has pretty much crippled the game. Zombie mode ftw.
  3. :dunno:
  4. Duality

    Web Game

    Oh god. First /b/, now PBBans :(
  5. Duality

    Your phone

    As does female contact. Oh snap!
  6. Duality

    Your phone

    N95 8Gb -
  7. 1 myspacekid and 3 camwhores on the front page alone. No thanks.
  8. I resent that :lol:
  9. He got me too :(
  10. Pretty much.
  11. I know one 11 year old ex-SGA who will be gutted :lol:
  12. Did you add the new IP to your AccCP?
  13. *snigger*
  14. Duality


    Good stuff :)
  15. Unfortunately, regardless of its impeccable timing - this is real .hack//Azure Kite. :(
  16. Duality


    Remove the slash :)
  17. This is sad news indeed - and not something I saw coming... But as in all web-based endeavours, real life must come first. I wish you the best of luck RodeoBob - be proud of what you have created here, because you have done a lot of good for a lot of people :)
  18. Hehe, Rodeo got up in the morning and saw "Achievement Unlocked" flashing at the bottom of his peripheral vision :lol:
  19. They are a streaming clan here - and looking at the MPI data based on the GUIDs in that screenshot you are indeed telling the truth. As it is an inter-clan dispute I will lock this thread and advise you to take it to your own forums. This will only end up a flamewar.
  20. No way around it I am afraid. Punkbuster will not work in Windows 7.
  21. Oh man, how did I miss these?! These are awesome :lol:
  22. ip2location != always correct ;)
  23. No, we have a system in place for screenshot submissions and you need to be streaming to access it. Feel free to PM me however with your reasons for not wanting to stream, and maybe I can help you out with getting started here.
  24. PBBans support is not given via xfire or any other personal messenger. Please use our IRC channel, these forums or forum PM.
  25. Neither the server IP or the screenshot, nor the IP provided is streaming to us. TA 3459 has no servers in it. Without streamed logs from the server that took the shot - we cannot ban for the shot.
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