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Everything posted by Duality

  1. Signed, 18985 Signatures Total.
  2. That 1.36% drop in share prices is going to equate to a lot of lost revenue. And a lot more angry gamers. I'm starting to think that Tetryarch need our love! Lets all go play W@W again :D
  3. I think they underestimate the amount of backlash this will cause amongst the PC community. We were stung with OpFlash 2, and now we are getting screwed over again with MW2.
  4. To IW: I find your amount of cancelled pre-orders disturbing.
  5. The XML file is only for transfer of data like Squealer said. It is not intended to be human-readable.
  6. It is certainly not everything that they promised. It has some issues, a lot of things are missing. But, it is a solid shooter and good fun if you want something with a little more thought having to go into it.
  7. Did you order from Play.com? Their delivery can be pretty bad. I don't think they deliver on weekends, and the postal workers are striking again soon... :(
  8. I'm enjoying it so far, its pretty good!
  9. I will probably only play SP anyway :) My copy arrives today... looking forward to getting it.
  10. I'm a big ArmA/ArmA2 fan, so I will most certainly be buying this.
  11. Stow the attitude. You are pretty damn close to getting this thread locked and your account removed. We are happy to explain things to you - but if you start throwing the attitude around then things start getting nasty.
  12. Do it the manual way if Java is giving you issues: http://www.pbbans.com/info-center-hubguide.html
  13. Making anti-cheat entirely client side would be a massive mistake.
  14. That is correct. The PM should have our account application requirements linked in it - it states that every clan streaming to us needs an operational website containing a roster that is viewable without prior registration, and a forum which is at least browsable without prior registration. Teams that do not have this on application are denied an account, and teams that obtain an account are subject to random checks - and possible account suspension, should the website not meet those requirements.
  15. Thats 2 things then. Come into IRC to discuss it with either myself or one of our other accounts staff.
  16. You attempted to stream a cracked server, which is explicitly not allowed in our terms of service.
  17. He is a busy man, it will be updated in due course :) Took about a week for my name to go up as well, so don't worry about it :)
  18. Done. Please be aware that anyone with a team account is responsible for the servers that are added to it - and if a team is found to have violated our terms of service in any way, then the account their servers are added to will end up suspended.
  19. You know, if this patch is any good, and now the boosters are free... I may pick up this game on the cheap.
  20. I was under the impression that 1.5 was nearing the "Duke Nukem Forever" level of vapourware! :P
  21. You really have no idea how much it has cost to get the site back up and running. Our host turned round and flat out refused to help us out. What were we supposed to do? Keep using peoples donations to pay for power and the bandwidth the DDoS was using?
  22. None of your servers are currently streaming. Check the hub profile in your pbsv.cfg. It has changed, remember.
  23. Oh lawdy. Go right ahead, content in the knowledge that you now epitomise everything that is bad about society today.
  24. If you wish to obtain help, I don't believe that comments like that will get you much. Either from me or any other staff member. If it is just the tag that is an issue, just make a small modification to it - like "|SAB|." It is for administrative use only anyway.
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