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Everything posted by Forces(UK)

  1. Rocket noooooooooooooooooooooob! :BigB: :D
  2. Technically yes. However, I and one other player I know used to report glitchers to EA quite often. We got the impression that customers services were rather too busy constructing skating rinks in hell to actually investigate or take any action, so you're probably not in a whole pile of trouble there. :rolleyes: Still, that was a while back. Perhaps they're more attentive now. Actually, I've had some good responses from DICE lately in regard to different kinds of 4rsehats that I reported, and so my faith in "the system" is slowly creeping up I suppose.
  3. Good luck to people who buy the game because they liked the demo. If they live in Europe, the first time they look for a Sidi conquest map with a decent ping, they're going to be lucky to even find one. :rolleyes:
  4. I'm pleased that someone made this thread, because one time another player used hacks on a server while name-spoofing my soldier, just to get my name on pbbans. People searching for me find his entry, as well as my real (clean) entry. It's good if people understand what a clean GUID is, so they can tell the difference between a cheat, and someone who was unlucky enough to get spoofed.
  5. Unfortunately with the number of *actual* cheats in the game, it's inevitable that genuinely skilled players will often be wrongly accused. The current climate is one where cheating is more common than we want to believe. If you play often enough though, you can't ignore it. I've even seen cheating players on my own team come up to me and fire an entire clip at the ground in front of my feet, without any pause or any overheat (in BF2142) just to show that they've got undetected hacks (they know it's a good way to wind me up as I make no attempt to hide how much I hate the cheating community). So, if you're not a cheat then (as these guys said) try to feel complimented rather than insulted. I receive the occasional hackusation over my knife skills, and I never get nasty with the person in question, because I totally see things from their point of view too.
  6. So is it fixed yet? ...I mean obviously by now it will have been fixed, right? THOSE GUYS HAVE FIXED IT, YEAH? ...OK? (hello? ...anyone?) :unsure:
  7. I'm working hard to get into the top ten on Battlefield 2142 so that the UK is represented there. I'd like to thank PB Bans for all the excellent work it does removing arsehats from the game. Fair players such as myself only have a chance when they don't get aimbotted to death from half way across the map by some little pay-to-hack brat. Thank you PBBans!
  8. Nice server bro'!

  9. Yeah, I am under no illusions that the game is still full of aimbots... ...I'm just saying that things seem to be looking *slightly* better recently. I think though that we might well be the last generation of people who get to even enjoy *some* fair games against unknown players. In future, I expect it will become so hard to detect cheats that the only people you'll want to play with will be people using machines in the same room as you, so you can get up at any point and view their screens to be sure they aren't using hacks. :( Hey, maybe we should all be made to play with OPTICAL monitoring stuff running in the background (i.e. webcams pointing at our actual displays, where the server admin can see anyone's display at the click of a button). That would screw up a LOT of cheats! :D ...Oh no, hang on: They'd just have dual displays and code something so that the 2nd display hid their hacks. :( AAAAARGH!!!!! I just want to have a fair game of Battlefield 2142!!!! Why is it so haaaaaaaaard!!! :(
  10. I don't know exactly what additional measures have been put in place to prevent cheating in the 1.5 patch, or whether those measure go beyond impeding the glitchers from getting in buildings, but anyway, having played a few rounds on Operation Shingle, I get the feeling that post-patch there is much less cheating going on compared to a few days ago (pre-patch). It seems that suddenly there are only a handful of amazing super-accurate players, as you might expect, rather than half the f*c*ing battlefield being made up of them. :) Perhaps though that's more to do with the stuff you guys are doing here at pb bans. ...I suppose I have no direct way of telling. In any case, I just wanted to say that things seem to be looking up a little bit as far as fairness in BF2142.
  11. I really hope that the issues raised by Lolyn and myself surrounding the perils of alias searches and name-spoofing are addressed at some point. My post is one away from the bottom of page one, and his is about half way down page two. His elaborates on my point, but makes it more thoroughly.
  12. I think PB bans is generally doing a FANTASTIC job, though that is not to underestimate the difficulty of keeping up with what I suppose must be a constantly developing cheat scene. I play far far far too much BF2142, and so I even more than most players have seen games ruined by cheats, however, if it weren't for PB Bans, then I expect there would be even more of them, and the game would be truly unplayable. My one suggestion for the site is this: If an alias search brings up a clean entry along with one associated with a ban, then it might be a good idea to have a little asterisk and a note by the entry saying something to the effect of: "NOTE: As this alias is also associated with a clean GUID, this player may well have been the victim of name-spoofing, and so it would be wrong to assume they are a cheat if you encounter them in-game". I have been name-spoofed twice now (once on the 19th, and again on the 21st of last month), and since then I have found myself on a number of occasions having to explain the complexities of name-spoofing to people in order to retain their trust, since they browsed PB Bans and found my player name there. That's a very small suggestion, and I hope you appreciate that I have nothing but the utmost respect for your operation. All the best, Forces(UK) p.s. God only knows why EA have you do all this hard work getting rid of cheats, only to allow the number one player in the UK to remain in the leader board with a best round score of 5500!
  13. Oh OK. Maybe I just need to update my java plugin or something. Sorry to have made a noobish point.
  14. I also have a "help I'm banned" question, albeit of a slightly different nature: If someone is "name-spoofed" in BF2142, then their name can end up on PB Bans, even though they themselves have never cheated, and have a clean GUID (this is what happened to me in fact). Such players may continue to play BF2142 unaffected, however, if they were unfortunate enough to register at the PB Bans forum here using their normal soldier name, then they will find that they are unable to connect to IRC, as their name will be auto-banned. This seems on the face of it to be an oversight on the part of the staff who have set up the IRC channel, although I believe understand and respect the spirit in which the rule was set up ...i.e. to keep cheats off the IRC channel. I just wondered if something could be done to allow fair players to use IRC under their soldier names if they have been unfortunate enough to be the victims of in-game name-spoofing? Best wishes, Forces(UK) <-- wishes he could use your IRC channel under that name
  15. I am posting here to confirm that Rogu3granny is correct, and that hackers are indeed abusing his server. I can be sure of this because one of them used his server yesterday to name-spoof me and get that soldier on the PB bans list (so I discovered today). I have received a private message from your founder RodeoBob confirming that my REAL guid is in fact clean, and since I am still able to play I have nothing to worry about, however, it happens that Rogu3granny hates my guts (we have argued about political things in fora that have nothing to do with the game) and I am banned from playing on his server. This means that whoever name-spoofed me was unaware of just how stupid it was trying to spoof someone on a server from which I was banned in any case, and could not possibly join and play, let alone use gamehacks! As I have mentioned, Rogu3granny and I are about as far from friends as can be, although in this instance I am inclined to lend my support to his cause, because cheats and hackers are the bane of BOTH our lives, and so I hope we can find at least that much common ground. Best wishes all, Forces(UK)
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