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Everything posted by HSMagnet

  1. PB will support Windows 7 after it is retail released
  2. http://www.anarchic-x.com/cod4master/cod4_server_audit.php for the test and PB_SV_Enable Enables the PunkBuster Server Software *edit* fast LoneHawk
  3. i play in windowed mode 1280x960. the standard pbss 320x240 shows little of my screen many people use much higher resolutions
  4. no, the gun is literally below what you see as resolution increases, the pbss captures a smaller area that is why some people use sample rate 2 as it records every other pixel. giving a larger area seen at the expense of clarity. the sample rate 2 pbss will be blurry or fuzzy to some extent
  5. there are literally thousands of members here what they do or don't do elsewhere is really their business personally, i avoid posting anywhere that i don't plan on being involved long term
  6. high resolution makes the available area for the pbss smaller. pbss is a set amount of pixels. people using lower resolutions have more stuff showing, people using higher resolutions have less showing
  7. that is a local server ban (admin decision) is always local ban have to go to their forums or just find another server
  8. no worries :rolleyes: the program is already out of money people will be stuck owing the money another SNAFU
  9. have you contacted Mayhem? http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?showuser=113616 he is the only member on the original team account
  10. you will need to ask on that server's forum/website if it is by admin, then it is a local ban is it only on one server? if so, then for sure check on their site
  11. i do not think this is an issue for PBBans i think you will have to take this up with all the clans that banned you.
  12. nvm has added a clean GUID to his profile
  13. well he can do whatever he wants...except on all the streaming servers :lol: and i assume he will be removed from TWL
  14. cheater was in Canada your info is out in the wild that one will not be unbanned as the cheater could start up again
  15. Banzai= mp_kwai SubPens= mp_docks Corrosion= mp_stalingrad http://cod4boards.com/waw-pc/112076-1-5-pa...html#post312174 *edit* dang beat me
  16. /seta cg_hudDamageIconHeight 64 enter that in console
  17. +1 jacking up the price will cause more copies to be pirated and/or less to be bought. i won't pirate it but i probably won't buy it until the price come down
  18. bans are not deleted. if the ban was appealed and denied, it will always be there
  19. pb_sv_banguid "alias" "ip" "reason for ban" if you do not have ip use "???"
  20. probably not a place you want to play if they ban just for weak linked stuff
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