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Everything posted by HSMagnet

  1. did you rerun auto setup and check to see the keep alive task is in the pbsv.cfg?
  2. EA supporting the iranian terrorist regime .......
  3. could be a win 7 permissions thing could be router blocking ports sometimes i have to restart my router and reenter the rules i have set could be your ISP filtering packets is origin up to date? i don't play bf3, but, there are so many variables with a PC... do you run through a router and a modem? have both been reset or what?
  4. bf3 does not support commands in game yet normally a firewall or other item blocking access. http://www.pbbans.com/forums/losing-key-packets-9014-violation-ignoring-queries-9006-t128720.html what is "everything" ? just that?
  5. as tedious as it can be, a TT to Even Balance is the best bet
  6. be sure you are using the correct IP:port RCON/query for set up join for adding to AccCP
  7. something is blocking PunkBuster from communicating. usually on the client (your) end http://www.evenbalance.com/publications/bf2-pl/index.htm http://www.evenbalance.com/troubleticket/new_ticket.php?game=bf2 other links that may be helpful
  8. make sure there are no firewalls blocking the program does it tell you it went ok?
  9. try this http://www.evenbalance.com/index.php?page=pbsetup.php
  10. i added it to your account it is not streaming try rerunning auto web setup
  11. nice that all my console friends don't pirate console games....oh wait...
  12. fallout new vegas is 75% off for another 90 minutes with .99 dlc
  13. kicking people to make room for "VIPs" is another way to lower the odds of people returning we never kicked for that and members had to wait their turn just like everyone else
  14. spamming it in forums is not the way to get them to notice it, let alone do anything about it
  15. don't hate on the 12 year olds!
  16. BF series is still trying to out CoD, CoD it is now on BC2.75
  17. http://forums.ubi.com/eve/forums?a=tpc&f=8021063239&m=3101010839&r=6011020269#6011020269
  18. http://www.pbbans.com/forums/cuentas-de-equipo-team-accounts-t23749.html hope that helps i do not habla
  19. please get this info spread to the four corners of BF3verse
  20. yes an approved team account is a prerequisite to streaming
  21. have y'all asked phogue at procon? if there is nothing but "lost connection" in the PB logs, i suspect it is either there or EA backend where the trouble lies
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