i am showing it as "active"
but, "Server is not streaming"
not "Server is awaiting admin approval"
try rerunning the auto setup
not just items. i think toons as well. maybe that is just gold.....
if i wanted a game that required a constant internet connection....never mind i don't
i guess i can take Diii off my "will buy no matter what" list
come to think of it. i rarely played with anyone online in Dii . i would make a private and run by myself. well muleing.....does that count?
he could just as easily said he studied the Sodom and Gomorrah section of the bible and the Monopoly game board.
just euthanize him and be done with it.
everything is subject to be big news
if it is really slow news day, they will break in programming to have a special report concerning a sale of chicken breast w/ rib meat at the market