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Everything posted by HSMagnet

  1. i think i still have one of the original games GRAW was not a worthy successor
  2. they never live up to the little zombie girl out the window teasers
  3. i can never resist zombie games
  4. glitching through the floor when getting knocked down would embarrass me, i f i were them...
  5. i being a low blueberry do not have all the facts i am sure you can there may be an adjustment that needs to be made
  6. fiik i just meant playability mind you, bc2 was the first BF game i played
  7. is that saying you get exclusive maps with that pack? splitting the player base is stupid, not just because ACTVI is doing it either!
  8. heroes getting monetized while still in beta killed it for me. not just hats and such, but game changing things that they said wouldn't happen. BFP4F is the best BF game yet!
  9. has this already been posted? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A5tRNs2X5Q4
  10. @fourzerotwo Robert Bowling @Banana2077 No details on the PC version are known yet, but I will be open about them as we finish features. #transparency #MW3 https://twitter.com/#!/fourzerotwo/status/71693215899729920 i read that as : "we haven't started porting over from xbox yet"
  11. voted no first - the clunky movement and sluggish control response give me a headache second - out of my entire community (many were BF fans) only one person still plays semi-regularly third - never will understand how i am head shooting someone, with blood and gore flying, they turn and kill me with one burst and still have 85% health....
  12. i would love to have the new zombie maps not buying them....none of them
  13. -- Unnamed -- http://www.gametracker.com/server_info/
  14. HSMagnet


    same with me an anomoly warzone earth B)
  15. http://www.pbbans.com/forums/mbi-news-f424.html you can find announcements here about when bans are removed from the MBi also overall ban stats here http://www.pbbans.com/mbi-overall-ban-statistics.html here you can find PBBans streaming servers http://www.pbbans.com/master-stream-index.html
  16. HSMagnet


    there is no teamwork in online games........it is a fallacy perpetuated by the WoW crowd :P
  17. the uploader has not made this video available in your country.......
  18. i think EA and ACTVISION will make big bucks off the collective gaming sheep (i am sheep too, FYI :o)
  19. HSMagnet


    TwitPic: We'll profit from your photos to protect you http://su.pr/4QVkSL direct link http://www.meejahor.com/2011/05/12/twitpic-well-profit-from-your-photos-to-protect-you/
  20. http://store.steampowered.com/agecheck/app/57900/ Available: June 14th, 2011 This game will unlock in approximately 1 month, 6 days and 1 hour Pre-Purchase Duke Nukem Forever $49.99-10%=$44.99
  21. TF2? worst BS that instead of tightening up the cof and a few minor tweeks, they let the bipolar, AHDD crowd take over with the asinine "let's keep adding kewl crap....and hats! lots of hats!" damn
  22. HSMagnet

    eTrade baby

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