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Everything posted by HSMagnet

  1. that is a leaked key in use in 5+ countries buy a new game from a legit source never buy just a key appears owner is the original player back to 2007.ban Date Added July 17, 2007 2:00 pm
  2. they do not stream here. they do not have streaming evidence here.
  3. assuming released? DA:O ultimate ME2 Machinarium Borderlands D2
  4. well there are some positives and his tune changed from this prior to release
  5. HomefrontGame Homefront Demand for dedicated servers outstripped expectations. Though we're thrilled by the popularity, please bear with us as we bring more online. 25 minutes ago
  6. ah java was out of date... game looks good
  7. michiokaku Michio Kaku Update: 3 reactors are in various stages of melting or core damage. Situation currently is stable but very uncertain. 2 explosions. 21 minutes ago
  8. they don't want ideas. they want to generate controversy. what is in the game is already in it they are trolling the the community
  9. http://www.gameswelt.tv/18823/homefront/multiplayer-gameplay-montage.html
  10. i want it. major appliance purchase and dental work ate my game fund for the moment i read that the gameplay shifted more towards a mass effect type suits me perfectly if that is true i have DA:O Ultimate as well
  11. +1 if you claim new engine, you better at least change the menus and fonts enough to make it believable at casual glance
  12. see, even Piggy figured it out
  13. you forget that they are based in Texas.....that makes it unbearable in itself
  14. i think many of you die hard bf2 fans are going to be very upset when bf3 drops. no way in hell i am buying another fiasco from DICE or most any other fps tbh. surely not another Crappy Old Douch
  15. http://www.evenbalance.com/index.php?page=staff.php
  16. +1 obviously if they are running a xp/rank up server, planting the bomb interferes with their little farm scheme just find another server hell, i have been banned for knifing an admin.....i count it as a trophy and then never look back on that kind of silliness
  17. ow i totally just stole that last line for a tweet.....
  18. good! now i don't have to buy it and bitch because the dx10/11 patch never dropped....
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