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Everything posted by HSMagnet

  1. ***-**Maker Terry Makedon Get your beta key to Battlefield Play4Free Beta here http://bit.ly/dHkiFR
  2. http://www.pbbans.com/forums/mek-fun-clan-mek-t139846.html
  3. all the kewl kidz use 11.4
  4. why even bother using crysis2? stupid
  5. i had to change the tab location, now it is great
  6. http://www.pbbans.com/msi-server-locator-bfbc2-36.html try that link
  7. i have the game can't remember the last time i loaded it i was looking forward to a new co-op zombie map. damn sure ain't paying $15 for one map from what i saw, heard with mw2, the dlc map packs fragmented the player base. making it take eons for the stupid P2P system to find matches. i realize there are "servers" in blops. but 24/7 nuketown doesn't require a dlc :lol: *edit* just for giggles i loaded BC2 for the first time in literally months. saw new maps i know i didn't pay for. ;) trouble is...."play now" button sent me to empty server 4 times....
  8. lot of money for one zombie map.....
  9. hahahaha yeah, his twitter is probably @faileymcfailster
  10. that is an automated check. it runs every couple of hours iirc
  11. too bad they can't go and have a nice suicide pact
  12. new EA account is paramount as his old EA account is associated with the ban
  13. i always like to poop a little napalm on those type threads
  14. https://twitter.com/#!/HSMagnet/status/48454867219525632
  15. sadly it probably received an accurate rating not enough clout in the industry to get a padded review
  16. http://instantrimshot.com/classic/?sound=priceiswrong
  17. interstate 76 was fun, buggy, but fun
  18. that would only happen if the server was set to kick duplicates and you and someone else were using the same key on the same server at the same time
  19. valid bans are never removed. "gift" is a funny word to use. i guess it is the same type of gift as syphilis or gonorrhea
  20. you are using his key.....
  21. oh i forgot the original BioShock ran that entirely with wrench and plasmids, ftw
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