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Everything posted by HSMagnet

  1. man i forgot that EA forums are over run with unkindness :o
  2. thanks bc2....... i don't know what they were in bf2, but 8 would be nice :biga:
  3. splintering player base must hold some great fascination. i want to use a single point access to everything. not a different confusing outlet for every damn publisher
  4. this will be the point of greatest indignation after we figure out there is no commander. they will claim "it was too complicated"
  5. demonware is not broken....it was never finished. i read somewhere it was developed for PS3 game and ACTVI scooped up the little company before they ever finished it then it got abused in codww and raped in mw2 and now it will be drawn and quartered for mw3
  6. http://kotaku.com/5805959/the-modern-warfare-3-files-team-perks-no-nukes-new-killstreaks
  7. the mod tools are actually wet farts but, they call them mod tools, as that is a more acceptable term
  8. oh yes, take up for the criminals because they have the only crack houses in your neighborhood............:blink:
  9. ukHazard btw, spawnkilling via wall spam happens way more than that
  10. yep, "free" just if you want decent weapons, perks, etc; pay up so many games "free" promised "no gameplay effecting purchaseables" now they don't even bother to say that. now you have to purchase the freaking game. and then it is "free" just know that you can get mop-handle raped if you want to play without paying extra.....
  11. then find a server with real admin that are concerned about what happens in their servers http://www.pbbans.com/master-stream-index.html
  12. correct me if i am in error, but didn't they have a similar issue with cod:ww? seems like there was.......
  13. i totally read that as "if EA went to VAC, then EA would be screwed. The would probably go out of business."
  14. eh.... great.... gotta divide the player base as much as possible to fulfill the tower of babel directive
  15. https://twitter.com/#!/DVDF_Redskull/status/73214667178262529 @DVDF_Redskull Bill Waring #MW3 Did anyone not see this coming ? http://bit.ly/k1bL8P #Kotickwantsyourmoney 10 hours ago via web
  16. it is an easy starting point for bashing from the ill-informed (me) :o
  17. [/url] https://twitter.com/#!/Demize99/status/72790794532171776
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