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Everything posted by HSMagnet

  1. that would be the best thing, for sure
  2. not enough time for a demo imo. also w/o streaming logs to verify the demo.... that being said scroll wheel or some other type of firing aid, whether that is a script or w/e idk walls? sure does miss a lot of obvious targets to be walls spams spawn points and choke points heavily i only watched it once, but didn't really see much there tbh
  3. your prerogative. hope it works out for you don't care if bc2 "works fine" btw. if that is fine i will pass. it sucks. period i would rather play peggle with my back to the monitor....
  4. Step 1: Connect to a PunkBuster enabled server Step 2: When you have successfully joined a server, open your console (check your key configs, default is the Tilde key). Step 3: Type pb_myguid to the console. The server will reply: "PunkBuster Client: GUID= *YOUR PB GUID IS HERE*"
  5. I'm 100% certain he's a console player :lol: +1 !
  6. if you only had this IP for 2 weeks, should be fairly easy to get them to migrate again
  7. http://dragonage.bioware.com/da2/demo/
  8. i'm running x64....but i think i will wait as well
  9. this is one i used years ago, at work ;) think of all those little flashing bunnies :lol:
  10. how is this going? do not want to be first SNAFU.....
  11. is that the complete install .iso? can't imagine a SP being that large 1953.3MB
  12. a Staff member will have to review
  13. IP appears on MPi that is why it is blacklisted
  14. thanks guys, 49 is the best age!
  15. happy HSMagnet's birthday (observed) i realize that not everyone get this as a paid holiday :lol:
  16. you also play as xplicit? i think there are many people using this cd-key/GUID IP has almost no bearing as it is dynamic for you almost every time you play, you have a new IP anyone banning you for bans linked to your IP only, is not worth messing with. play somewhere else
  17. sounds to me like they sold it to many people i bet all of theirs were sealed too :scratchchin:
  18. [14:30] ukHazard bulletstrm, epic's non epic offering [13:54] HSMagnet so it is BC2? [13:54] HSMagnet terrible game play? [13:54] HSMagnet looks like crap? [13:54] HSMagnet say what? [12:30] ukHazard style* [12:30] ukHazard Game looks terrible and the characters are all Epics only stule (UT). [21:02] HSMagnet MarkRein Mark Rein by H4WKE Bulletstorm PC demo is in the works! Won't make it in time for ship date but should be available shortly after.
  19. English to Greek translation Πιασμένος από PBSS (ΑΠΟΜΑΚΡΥΝΣΗ FOG)
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