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Everything posted by HSMagnet

  1. you said you did /pb_plist you should have the accused's GUID you just search the MBi for that GUID http://www.pbbans.com/mbi-search.html
  2. you have to be SGA status or above to view submissions ask in your PM for them to inform you also check the MBi to see if the accused shows up
  3. a Streaming Game Admin must submit the demo along with information from the server logs to be able to match with hub info
  4. the port number is one problem. then there is the fact of random streaming problems with MoH that cannot be diagnosed do to the server files being inaccessible no one on this end can set up your server for streaming
  5. he heard there was a patch http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gbOpFllN5as?autoplay=1
  6. +1 OP you need to reformat your HDD and do a fresh install of your OS and programs change passwords on all your accounts your info is in the wild
  7. sounds like they have it set for all new accounts to be admin approved....and there are no admin checking.....
  8. Kotaku APB Goes Free-To-Play The Hard Way http://kotaku.com/5691211/ 30 minutes ago via kotaku
  9. +1 luckily i have an i7 920 w/ 12GB xm3 RAM seems that makes a difference, even though i have a mediocre GPU HD4670OC 512MB
  10. why, thank you good sirrah
  11. English50cent http://www.vimeo.com/16885715 In Da Club - TRANSLATED! (Quick, before they take it down!) about 1 hour ago via web
  12. AHK? best to pose the question to Even Balance as they make PunkBuster
  13. made me want sushi real bad :lol:
  14. LOL NEWS welcome none the less
  15. yeah, it was much better than 98
  16. lag TT still open/no response yet server not showing in server browser TT closed w/ this answer sounds like the typical master server underestimation ......
  17. haha couldn't resist i went from xp to 7x64 xp was bad....
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