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Everything posted by HSMagnet

  1. try posting in your native language and the translation also what is the exact message you are given
  2. why try to start a new team if you already had one? seems deleting old server and adding new would be the way to go of course there may well be another reason i am not privy to
  3. Kalms is Kalms class act all the way there are others @ DICE that are as bad or worse than anyone from the old IW days
  4. too bad they can't get a game running correctly
  5. usually better to start a new topic so that your issue is not overlooked
  6. i can't help but to think of the stones and the hells angels @ altamont when i hear that song i really hope this is a viable community game
  7. hasn't that been the claim every time?
  8. shouldn't be too difficult to find crap they didn't clean up from cod2 sloppy bastards
  9. now we know why all these games have went with steam....
  10. Just an FYI: If you removed all of a person's veins and arteries, and laid them end to end, then that person will die.
  11. the bug was anytime you fired the G3 the damage was less than intended.... now its ridiculous inaccuracy at all ranges, combined with reduced damage at close range, will make it totally useless. all the time that is enough sunshine on this topic, for now....
  12. +1 didn't play SP but, MP beta was horrible and i am easy to please :P
  13. if you changed game types you must delete it from your account and reenter with correct game type also know there is a bug that affects streaming that is supposed to be fixed in next game patch
  14. no all applicants here must meet mandatory minimum requirements http://www.pbbans.com/info-center-starterguide.html
  15. if the IP:port is going to be the same, do not delete it from your AccCP
  16. same here we will get servers like we did for BC2....but i am really hoping zombies are as good/better than CoD:WaW
  17. haha i still have the P4 rig i used to limp CoD4/CoD:WaW on, but this one just needs a newer vid card and a real monitor
  18. if it was a valid ban and you used the key, you will always be linked to it
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