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Everything posted by HSMagnet

  1. i thought it was funny because it only listed 9/30 names as "top" players on the server and i was one of them
  2. http://www.bfbc2.eu/en/pc/servers/923186 i thought that was real funny
  3. thanks gutshot, i hadn't seen this....
  4. ok, so what were the numbers on this? i mean did it just not sell or was it the old grab the loot and run bit?
  5. your team account application will have to be accepted and approved before streaming actually starts http://www.pbbans.com/info-center-starterguide.html *edit* see that your account is not new , so maybe you already have a tean account
  6. it says restriction, not violation
  7. well it isn't the first time that there has been an obvious SNAFU after an update and they deny it or go years claiming it is outdated client hardware or drivers, etc can't really blame devs for going with something hooked into a pretty sweet marketing/delivery system when the only real alternative seems to be dieing on the vine
  8. seems unlikely that it isn't something with PB. whether it is client or server side code especially since the uproar started right after an update maybe they will release another update soon to fix it whether or not they ever admit there was a problem of course by then a lot of the server owners are going to be used to running w/o PB....
  9. http://www.pbbans.com/forums/change-team-t129060.html/page__p__335155#entry335155 http://www.pbbans.com/forums/problem-activation-t128902.html/page__p__335151#entry335151
  10. they pretty much have the 12 month thing down....well at least making money off it for 12 months
  11. Team already has an account: *************************************************************** Team: AssaultFrenchSwat (_[AFS]_) Account ID: 10197 Streaming Status: Not Streaming (0 / 0) *************************************************************** send PM to staff concerning taking over that account Streaming Accounts Management Fozzer Duality Surfy Buffnuggles
  12. have a little patience i realize it has been a week, but, consider how many tickets they must get. i would rather them work on the situation than to waste time stroking my back and whispering sweet nothings in my ear
  13. if it was done properly, it will stream rerun the autosetup making sure the proper port is used
  14. i know a fair number of people that believe MoH is not worth bothering with after what was presented in the "beta" a demo or another "beta" might garner interest
  15. +1 just reinstalled WaW to give zombies another go Black Ops Zombies would sell the game as much as anything
  16. i tried and tried every time i got used to the clunkiness and slow response, they'd "tweak" things plus almost all the people i play online with have given up on it
  17. glad someone can get some use out of that game. really i am. going to try some WaW zombies again
  18. HSMagnet


    Lawblur seems it was more an ad campaign for DJ Hero 2
  19. i honestly don't think they can change it enough to make it playable.....make that will change it enough to make it playable. we have passed it by at any rate we are all poised to support Black Ops. i just hope it isn't another let down
  20. correct this may get them a datacenter, though
  21. HSMagnet


    yeah just noticed that.......oops the link i posted is not the link from the email, btw
  22. HSMagnet


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