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Everything posted by HSMagnet

  1. not when the game first dropped you had no control other than starting/stopping the server, for the most part hell finding and getting in your own server was a PITA to begin with *edit* and no matter what the announce, i will wait and see what actually drops
  2. that was not encouraging if it ends up being a fiasco like L4D where you payed for a server but had no control over it..... nothing more annoying than being vote-kicked off your own server.... sounds very console oriented. i realize it will be a port from a console game, but, damn. i foresee lots of "oh, we will have that shortly" like when cod:waw came out.... i hope i am wrong
  3. i will wait until some nice people plunk down their cold, hard cash to play the game. then i will listen for purring or the wailing and gnashing of teeth then i will make a decision as to think about buying or not
  4. http://bit.ly/chTJoH ah see what happens when you blindly pay for thing? soon you are paying to be ass-raped and told you like it.....and you believe it
  5. all requirements are there to address issues that have presented themselves over many years they are not just to be picky or messing you about it is not bs. if you find the standards too high, there are places that do not care if you are a known cheater or if you will be around tomorrow
  6. don't see how they can get FTP access unless the PW is easy or leaked we changed our PW regularly for RCON and FTP
  7. just watched the fallen angel vid man that is sadness clunky, awkward movement makes me cringe to watch and reminds me why i hated the beta so much.....
  8. the best thing about SC2 being out is that it means D3 is closer to release :P
  9. you do realize this is PBBans and not GV or GGC and what is cb?
  10. imo the trailer shows limited ability to string kill/death/achievement cam shots together nifty , but i do not believe it is true demo recording not to say it won't be there as well *edit* CoD4/CoD:WaW demos are in first person and with 3rd party tools/correct console commands, many more features can be utilized
  11. http://www.pbbans.com/account_application.php this is the French forum. you may post in French :)
  12. yes, could only be so far above the knee
  13. wouldn't be the first promised full frontal nudity in a CoD game that turned out to be...
  14. glad it got handled thanks Big_Guy
  15. at least i am gentler than piggy!! :o
  16. 160112 mayhemSQL posting this per request
  17. don't link to advertise cheats, thanks
  18. +1 for the excellent answers will run this by my community we are very pre-order gun shy due to obvious multi-title fail in the recent past....
  19. the one that is 0/0 ? :P seriously though, no way to determine anything from the information (or lack there of) given
  20. red orchestra uses VAC iirc probably stay that way for this
  21. i would just try adding it on your account and see how it goes first *edit* and you never know. they might just install the game and tell you they transferred everything
  22. run auto setup on new server add the new one to your account delete the old server
  23. wow now i don't feel so bad being an ATI fanboi...... so "you have to push this inferior crap we have before we will let you have any of our potentially crap new stuff" that will fix the "Nvidia is crap" legacy....
  24. just give me a decent game with servers and files and console at this point idk about anything else
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