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Everything posted by HSMagnet

  1. it is a freaking video game anything is possible but if we are going to talk realistic then when i shoot someone, once, more than likely they will be dead or at the very least require a couple of the squad mates to help them. if they are dead, they don't respawn . EVER so you pay your money and you die 15 seconds after spawning. game over go buy another....realistic stupidest bs thing i ever heard of talking about a video game
  2. the menus and interfaces for MoH are very annoying screen loads and map loads {mind it is the same map} are slow as treacle controls are very sluggish and we are back to knifing before you know there is a target, in case you want to hit someone that might appear... i tried turning up mouse sensitivity and that made me spin around like one of those douch
  3. no need to extend it imho just pull a 1943 and save us all the headache
  4. lulz so no release is their idea of a proper version....
  5. +1 about as plain as it gets
  6. already know it isn't for me, but if they are going to let me prove it to myself, then i will do burn outs with there car till the tires pop *edit* hahahaha it crashes when i try to modify my controls 4 times so far
  7. when you forget to properly connect the antenna, you will have signal problems
  8. i really like MP7.... not getting this however. unless it is gifted to me
  9. HSMagnet


    ok, i remember it being knife range only almost i'll give it another go
  10. HSMagnet


    what kind of range does it have? i only remember using it once, long ago...
  11. HSMagnet


    no i'm quite sure its tags that matter
  12. there will always be those suspicious players that are not detected fact when anti-cheat is a reactionary process active, effective in game admins are always the difference in a positive gaming experience. someone capable of getting the evidence, if possible, and dealing with asshats and script kiddies when they are disruptive sole reliance on any automated anticheat measures is for fools and overworked individuals
  13. HSMagnet


    this is the first game i've played with tags so the novelty is still there ...even with platinum
  14. HSMagnet


    i7 920 w/ 12GB O' DDR3 goodness lol but, i have a HD4670 512MB vid card and a 17" CRT right now and i try to play on HC servers for the most part i just wish you could have killcam or at least be able to see what kind of crap the dude your spawning on is in. blind spawning into a meat grinder is stupid
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