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Everything posted by xX_Renegade_Xx

  1. I did think it might have been a mod but wasn't sure :unsure: I'll give those commands a try at the weekend, thank you very much :D
  2. I've asked this on 2 other forums and got no replies :( I run a hardcore server and would like to add a small addition beneath the console message that tells players what map is next, I've seen this on other servers but I am not sure of the console commands. I can use the the say command but it displays all the maps in rotation, I'd prefer to display just the 'next map' Can anybody help please?
  3. The object of your post being? Flamewar I presume? Why don't you concentrate on directing your anger towards the cheaters that plague our servers rather than dragging up a disagreement, which from what I've read happened a long time ago, that is much more constructive than trying to start a flamewar.
  4. I thought the purpose of 'all' anti-cheat communities was to work together for the above reason? This is far more important than any accusations regarding individuals/organisations.
  5. Having rectified a few errors, .dll error and the server authentication error :banghead: It's not too bad, spawn points are terrible though but it has lots of hiding places for those pesky snipers :P The game seems a lot slower than COD4 and will IMO require a lot more teamwork to take the win, that's a good thing, graphics are pretty smart and the maps seem a lot bigger than COD4, had a quick go in a tank and they are very neat, the dogs are great but they too have a few problems that need to be ironed out, they can't swim :lol: All in all, not a bad game, will continue playing and see how things go but at the moment it's on my pre-order list.
  6. Thank you, can take them off my watch list :)
  7. Shot 1: Shot 2:
  8. I have 2 very strange PB screenshots, any help greatly appreciated :) Notice the zeros in the first shot: Thanks.
  9. x2 Even more so if you're running mixed games as players sometimes need to change kits/perks to match the map.
  10. Your way of thinking suggests that if cheaters ruin your game, why not ruin their game by becoming one yourself, what about the innocent gamers? If we all had that kind of logic then PBBans would be inundated with cheaters every second or so, thankfully not everyone thinks like you do, some of us do like clean cheat-free servers! Granted, PB is not perfect but without it and without A/C sites like this you'd be headshot through walls all day no matter where you played.
  11. Do we need a certain percentage of signatures for this to be implemented or basically, it's the more the better? so to speak.
  12. Thank you very much :) Some players on the server were saying ban the cheat, glad I didn't now.
  13. I need some advice please, a second opinion if you will ;) I was playing on the Pipeline map earlier and another player was using the mounted MG, I happened to be using the UAV jammer so was able to sneak up on about 3 players, 2 were killed and this left the only player using the mounted MG, I knifed the player, nothing happened, tried again, still the same, he would not die. It was then that other players started to comment that he was shot in the head and wouldn't die, I was considering a ban but he said it's a 'bug'. I've never seen this 'bug' before and never ban unless it's blatant cheating so decided to give the player the benefit of the doubt and just skipped the map. Is this a bug or possibly a cheat?
  14. Fix it please! Petition Signed.
  15. :lol: :lol: Nice catch
  16. Funds cleared, donated today, keep up the good work :)
  17. I'm waiting for funds to be added to my account so will donate asap. One less cheater makes me a happy gamer :D
  18. Sorry, should have explained it a little better ;) What I mean is, if you open the console on a server with client-side console enabled and type the record command it records no problem, however, if you open the console on a server with client-side console disabled it appears as normal text as though you had not opened the console at all but typed a message to everyone on the server. Edit: You've answered my question with the last bit, thanks, will use that from now on :)
  19. Thanks very much, one question though, if the server console is not client-side would it still work the same, the reason I ask is, whenever I've tried to record without client-side it just appears as normal speech on the server?
  20. Thank you very much CoNNo :)
  21. I made a post yesterday regarding a server that I thought was not streaming, according to Rodeobob the server is streaming so I added it to my favs again, post is here: http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=59831 However, I joined the server today and low and behold a player using an aimbot/name changing tool was also playing there, he/she was able to change their name to anybody's on the server, this I have seen before but the console was not active client-side so I was not able to get a proper recording except via Fraps which I know you don't accept, this time I spectated the player and recorded him/her via the console commands, you can download the file here: http://hosted.filefront.com/Renegade2025/ This is a blatant aimbot on a streaming server. These people spoil mine and other players fun and we have to spend valuable playing time recording these people so we get a better game next time we play, hopefully you can remove this player and put him/her where they belong :)
  22. Phew, thank you very much, I can add it back to my favs now :)
  23. I've played on this server a few times and the console message states that the server streams to PBBans, but after doing a check with the search function it says the server does not stream, have I missed something or is the message of the console wrong? I play on streaming servers as their is less chance of cheaters playing there but if a server console claims to stream and doesn't then do I have to check every server I want to play on?
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