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Everything posted by xX_Renegade_Xx

  1. Thanks MaydaX, it's a long time since I played CS so you kind of lose track of any new game information that's released. If they are going back to the VAC system then I do have concerns as I left CS because of the number of cheaters, I'm sure it's been through updates and changes since then but even so.
  2. I did read somewhere yesterday that VAC is only updated once a year, don't know how true that is though but it also uses a delayed ban system I believe, is that true?
  3. You could also contact the admin direct and send them the video so that cheater does not play on that server again, one less server for them to play on at least :)
  4. I have joined this one, thanks :) It's not necessarily giving you a break bud, if someone wants to represent the PC gamers then that image doesn't do it for me, the original person who spammed that image on the IW forums stated that it took them 20 minutes to complete and they were now going to spam it, it then appeared in nearly every thread on the forum, a lot of those eventually being deleted. Supporting PC gamers 100% I will, supporting someone because he made a picture which was then spammed everywhere and got a lot of PC gamers points of view silenced, I will not.
  5. I have signed the petition but I will not be joining the x-fire group under that banner, no offence but it just makes us all look like porn-loving, swearing idiots, could you not have found something more subtle but with the same kind of impact? That image originated from a foul-mouthed spammer on the IW forums and that spammer had a lot of threads deleted, some of those threads highlighting good points from the PC gamers and asking very good questions to IW.
  6. I think a fee is more or less guaranteed in my opinion, I mean they could quite easily sell the game for
  7. Good post Fozzer! Just out of curiosity, if PC gaming is now taking the VAC route does that mean PB will eventually be no more or incorporated into VAC? (if that's possible).
  8. x2 I am watching the OFDR forums in the 'hope' that they change their minds on anti-cheat, cd keys and dedicated servers. Their is a petition on the IW forums for people to sign, last time I checked it was 49 pages within a short time. I do agree with FatalityUK, talk about kicking PC gamers in the *****
  9. This method does work as I also asked the same question some time ago but the only problem is if a game finishes early, player leaves or quits if the server is close to empty, the message will continue to run irrespective of the map being played.
  10. I've been having a read of some of the posts by other players on the OFDR forum and seems some players can't even get it to run or it does run but then crashes, it's not perfect by any means and I've listed the bugs I've found so far on the OFDR forum but for all the problems it's still enjoyable, I just hope that it doesn't take the same route as FFOW (Frontlines - Fuel of War), myself and other clans abandoned that game soon after its release as the devs seemed to abandon the community completely :( No 'new' game is perfect by any means, with so many possible configurations of PC's I'm sure some will and do get certain kinds of errors and crashes but if they can release a patch that 'at the very minimum' addresses some of the issues then that has to be a good thing.
  11. Played for a little while now and currently on the 3rd mission of the campaign, few problems noticed so far, certain rocks can get you completely stuck and you have to go prone to rectify it, also remapping the use key to the 'enter' key is a big no-no as it keeps you inside the ammo crate but my biggest gripe is the AI is dumb as hell, I mean you can have a PLA approx 20 metres away and even though they're under fire and taking hits they will not open fire if you've given them a hold fire command :o Now I may be a little wrong here but if any order means endangering your life you'd disobey it but nope not these idiots they just sit there and wait to die :lol: Apart from that I'm finding it quite enjoyable and the beach storming is just awesome, really liking this mission :D
  12. OK, game delivered eventually and played a quick mission just to get used to the controls before I start the campaign, seems to run fine and it's nice to actually play on an 'open battlefield' rather than being limited to small maps and enclosed areas (COD4) and it's also more realistic when you can run 'through' a bush, yes I did say through, no going around that 2 inch bush anymore :lol: All in all, quite pleased so far considering a few players have had problems.
  13. You got that right, I'm a tad annoyed ;) Been checking out some forums too and seems a patch is on the way.
  14. I did Duality yes, I received this 2 days ago: Your order for Operation Flashpoint 2: Dragon Rising (with Play.com Exclusive 'Coastal Stronghold' Mission Unlock Code) has been posted. This was sent to my e-mail address at 2.55am. I've always ordered from them and as far as I'm aware all the games I've pre-ordered have arrived on the day of release, maybe they had problems getting hold of this one but if that's the case why offer pre-order? I hope it'll be here tomorrow otherwise I'll pre-order MW2 from elsewhere.
  15. I'd like to be enjoying it except my delivery hasn't arrived today :angry: I thought the whole point of pre-ordering was that you receive it on the day of release, saves you going into town and getting caught up in the traffic and the crowds, only to find the last copy has been sold, every game I've pre-ordered before has arrived on-time so I guess their's a first time for everything as they say, better be here tomorrow though!!
  16. Don't believe everything you read, from most of those put-downs of the game a lot of the players haven't even played it yet they put it down or try comparing it to MW2, no comparison, 2 completely different games. I'll make my own mind up when I receive the game which should be in about 4 hours time, woot :)
  17. Just wondering if anyone else is getting this game, released on Friday 9th Oct (UK) so I've pre-ordered it, for those that don't know the game click the link below :)
  18. x2 I also used to use this when I was an SGA here, great little program :)
  19. How you doing bud? Just spoken to Mav and he says you're in Spain, erm, which means you won't get this until you get back lol, anyway, have a good holiday :)

  20. You'll probably find the ban will remain, irrespective of who used it that GUID was caught using a cheat, I'm sure the PB staff will let you know soon enough. Give them time to answer, they could be busy or in work, patience :)
  21. Thank you very much Taz, that was good fun, hope the server test went ok :)
  22. I'm in the UK but yeah I'll jump on for a little while, if you want to give it a try out. Added to favs but my ping is terrible, 204 :blink: 50 slots is insane though, no small maps please :P
  23. I wouldn't worry about it RB, you'll find the majority that do support you, do so for a reason and that's to keep the servers clean, I'm not an SGA anymore (server too quiet) but when I was it was nice to know that you guys/gals would give up some of your free time to help keep our servers clean, updates, new information, new cheat detection tools, it is appreciated even though the majority of us might not say so that often and you only have to take a look at this thread to see some of the support you have :D
  24. Welcome Back!! :)
  25. I sense a little anger :lol: :lol: :lol:
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