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Everything posted by xX_Renegade_Xx

  1. Why do devs never anticipate this? Do they all assume the game will flop so just put a few servers up? This seems to happen with every game that's released just lately. I hope they've learn't something from their last game too, already complaints are starting to flow about the game and I knew the devs were bad for communication, I'm sure this post will not be the first:
  2. I wouldn't let it worry you to be honest, I've been accused of cheating many times and I was an SGA streaming here at the time too, it used to bother me at one point now I just don't care, I know I'm clean so I couldn't care less what other people think. Enjoy your games :)
  3. That to me just sounds like game knowledge, if you've been playing since 2006 then those sort of things will become second nature. It does look very suspect to anyone who might be viewing the player (your son) but it's definitely not cheating. These are streaming servers for Battlefield 2: http://www.pbbans.com/msi-server-list-bf2-13.html They all stream to this site. Join any one by IP address.
  4. :lol: :lol: Only in DNF could you get away with a vibrator in a game and have the ability to switch it on, I wonder if those twins......never mind ;)
  5. Same Surfy, already on my wishlist :D
  6. Very true! I was watching the news this morning and the speed of that first wave was unbelievable.
  7. ROFL!!!! :lol: :lol: That is hilarious and when he said I've been playing this game for a little bit then I looked at his attempts, sure sure :lol:
  8. Looks great, I'm trying the fluid version for now B)
  9. Awesome, I thought I was watching a film to begin with.
  10. A new addition to Steam which I'm also using: http://store.steampowered.com/news
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  11. Looks like MW2 and I've never played that. Minimal PC footage judging by the console commands at the bottom of the screen. I wouldn't touch this with a 20 foot barge pole and I've stated why previously but that's just me. I hope it works out for those that are buying it but if you want my honest opinion, wait and see how things go. I'm beginning to look like a troll so I'll stop now :P
  12. I can't see that picture but I always believe their are two sides to every story. If it's his server then their's not much you can do. If he's banning for that reason and it was me in this position I wouldn't want to bother with that clan again. What were you kicked from the clan for?
  13. That looks really good! Moving the guy out of the line of fire too, very nice. Starting to get interesting this game, I hope it continues like that in MP B)
  14. Nice find, I've just seen that go up on the Steam forums too. I notice the dev has *ahem* forgotten to tell the 'potential' buyers or they'll make a post stating that the information was about to be released before the game hits the stores. A friend of mine is interested in this game and I've already said to him to check the forums for info before he hands over the cash.
  15. Sneaky, I like it! :D I'll log in and give you rep for that post. I've been having a look at more posts too and came across this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WNIZXkacRAU That's not good considering where the crosshairs are aiming. According to the devs the aim assist can be turned off in the PC version but I did read 1 post that I thought was very good, a post made by the dev: This reply from another player and he does have a point:
  16. Yes I've just been reading that post and he took the words right out of my mouth with this I'm not buying the game anyway but I'm glad someone has asked that question.
  17. Another post from the devs: http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/showpost.php?p=21050856&postcount=39 This does leave me with a question, why would a developer release a demo so close to the release date of the game and not include all the features? :scratchchin: It makes more sense to me to include as much as possible to target the audience you're trying to sell to.
  18. Taken from the devs themselves, you might find this interesting MaydaX ;) http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/showpost.php?p=21031172&postcount=37
  19. I think it's been going downhill for a while, it's much easier (lazy) to release a console port and hope that we'll put up with it. Configs locked down, lack of mod tools, lack of dedi servers, etc. Microtransactions could be the next big thing in PC gaming too following the announcement from Valve today. I think we've got more to come yet :(
  20. I think it's just above the aim assist button :P I wasn't buying this anyway, after watching the videos of the game the weapons put me right off, they look weak and inaccurate, maybe aim assist was off? :lol:
  21. Nice video, fun times, I haven't played for a long time but you have a nice K/D ratio as an aviator.
  22. I wonder what the distance was from the Shuttle, the rockets once ignited are visible from such a huge range.
  23. My new one which I think is great :P http://img683.imageshack.us/img683/5404/frogd.jpg
  24. :lol: I was just about to make a long and very boring post too about why I didn't want to see VAC included.
  25. The current Steam stats SuperTaz, might give you an idea of the playerbase, current players and peak today respectively: 227 / 952 The peak players was over 1,000 yesterday but it can go up and down very quickly, it's also not been released in certain areas yet so that will have an effect.
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