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Everything posted by xX_Renegade_Xx
Didn't really see you as the violent type Surfy :o I agree with looking at the parents though, I don't think some parents have a clue what their kids do online nor do they care. You only have to look/listen to some of the kids on the street to know how they've been brought dragged up. I think a lot of the youngsters have no respect for themselves so will definitely have no respect for anyone else. When I was a kid I wouldn't dream of back-chatting my parents, now you can't even say boo to your own kids as they'll take you to court on child abuse charges. Ridiculous!
No surprise, video games are usually blamed for everything that's wrong with society, even more so if it involves firearms, they got to sell papers I guess and nothing seems to grab peoples attention than the next big game that should be banned because of its violent content that will corrupt young minds. I'm more surprised that the UK let that garbage that was called Rat Rappin' by Roland Rat into the Top 20 :lol:
Good read Surfy. I think they should change that last word to saturated, a lot of FPS's are now looking and playing alike with just a few variations in storyline or weapons. BF2 has and always will be the defining game for me as an innovative FPS. The squad comma rose was just fantastic to use, simple design yet it added a nice element to the game and provided the possibility of 'leading from the front' with the basic commands. I have played COD4 MW but I refuse to buy MW2 and Black Ops. Greedyvision will continue pushing the same old scenarios we've seen many times and I think that will be their downfall. Sadly, Medal of Honour finished for me as a player with their last game. I hope BF3 will regain the crown, DICE have the opportunity to make something special and if they do I think it will be the best FPS ever released :D
That looks quite good. I like how you can hit the opfor with the butt of your rifle too. Reminded me of UT for some reason.
x2 I do like the rounds hitting the ground from that LMG and enemies, millions of 'em, love it :D
Good point Piggy and probably the reason why it doesn't show.
I got a good suggestion for the casual gamer, try adapting instead of whining on a forum to the devs and the game gets nerfed to hell to make it easier for 'everyone'. Casual gamers, **** me off.
Turn your AA on :P
Yes me too but I also hope it's not one of those handy holdy type of games too. I'll reserve judgement until release :unsure: Edit: Interesting read for you Surfy, I might have spoken too soon :( http://www.escapistmagazine.com/news/view/108708-PC-Version-of-New-Deus-Ex-Developed-by-Partner-Studio
That video was great, the robot hitting himself with the frying pan :lol:
I'm not so positive now after watching that. Pause it at 38 seconds, 3 guys on-screen, watch the guy on the left, he fires at least 3 rounds at the player. That looks like very bad AI and I know the AI aren't the smartest of players but I know if I had a guy drop in on me with a shotgun I'd at least look for cover ;)
It's worth a look yes but the beta has changed a lot since the demo and you'll notice this straight away if you happen to buy the game or have access to a beta key. A tutorial has been added, menus are clearer, more options, etc.
Just thought I'd throw this one out there ;) http://store.steampowered.com/app/91600/ I recently bought this and it's very good. It's a combination of FPS and Tower Defence and it does work very well. It's still in beta which you can try if you buy the game now, their is a demo available but it's out-dated and the beta plays much better. The devs are active on the forums daily and taking feedback on the beta too. It has co-op but possibly 3 or 4 player co-op will be added, they are trying to get the co-op completed for the release date (15th April) but they're not sure if they can do it yet.
Oh well, I guess we have to wait :( This game better be worth it after so long!
@ Surfy, nice post! :lol: @ MaydaX, nice find and that is just ridiculous. PC gamers take a lot of stick for 'allegedly' pirating every single game ever released then you have idiots like this, a CEO nonetheless, who says piracy is an "effective form of marketing" :wacko: What a joke! I can see why they pulled the post.
I've just been reading some of the comments on the Steam forums about this DLC, one such comment among many:
Thanks, been waiting for this :)
I won't post the link here, scam site I believe offering free game and beta keys for BF3, it's on Youtube and only available to people in the USA and Canada, the links look very dodgy so I've sent a PM to a member of the DICE team to ask them to check it out.
Very true! I have both editions, if you feel like a co-op game sometime feel free to add me on Steam, although you're in the USA so my ping will be about 25 million :P http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197998740996 My profile is friends only.
For those that like their FPS's old-school, look what we have coming, no perks, no achievements and no tactical nukes :P Restores my faith in FPS games :D http://store.steampowered.com/app/41070/
Comfy couch edition :lol:
:lol: Everytime I hear a comment from now on that pirates are killing PC gaming I'm going to link back to this post.
Wow difficult choice :scratchchin: I mainly play FPS's so that kind of narrows my options a bit lot. 1. Cannon Fodder 2. Turrican 2 3. Project X 4. Lemmings 5. IK+ 6. Pinball Fantasies 7. Speedball 2 8. Smash TV 9. NARC 10. Carrier Command
That's how I like to see snipers, dead B) Still waiting for some MP action though.