I bought this recently and it's a fantastic game, old-school and plays very well, it's indie and well worth a look :D
It does look like a good game and if I'm not mistaken at around 9:34 that guy shouting 'help' on the left sounded like Louis from L4D, what's he doing there? :scratchchin:
Those system specs are the recommended requirements for ARMA II OA at the moment, I think they will be a lot higher.
I hope this game appeals to a lot more players too, not necessarily make it easier but some new players get frustrated with the game because of the learning curve.
This type of DLC I don't like, splits the community between those that own it and those that don't. It's like they are bullying people to buy it.
I'm still waiting for the day when PC players of a particular game turn to the dev and say "That's it, we will not pay for your DLC and have our community split in two!"
Thanks, kind of like BC2 then when that first came out.
Everyone wanted to be a wookie and snipe from the back of the map, who needs to complete objectives we got a team full of wookies ;)
The current series are on special on Steam too over the weekend, if anyone hasn't played them I highly recommend them, fun games and billions of things to kill :o
These games are going to continue like the Friday the 13th series, part 256 coming soon!
The sad thing is all those people that said I'm never going to buy another MW game after Black Ops will be first in line at the pre-order.
I didn't buy MW2 and definitely won't be touching this.
Maybe an alternative would be to speak to these pirates and get them to design something that can't be cracked, they obviously have no problems with the current DRM judging by the original post.
You found the best one! :D
I'm a former SGA (Streaming Game Admin) here myself and this site picked up a cheater on my own server while I was in work, woot.
Though I don't think a good advertising strategy would be to see lag, disconnects, poor hit reg, etc. Sorry I'm just going on previous games and we all love DICE, honest ;)
The game does look good but the first few seconds of gameplay put me off straight away, I'll keep an eye on this but completely blinding a player with that stuff that was on the screen does not appeal to me in any game.
Full vision when in any battle is a must, their is no need to blind a player just make the boss harder to kill!
Seen most of it before with just a few added extras.
I would like to see more of the jets though, that was a nice shot at the end.
At the moment it's on my buy list.