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Everything posted by xX_Renegade_Xx

  1. It has a few problems yes but so have other BF games, BF2 was the same upon release and now 5 years after its release it still seems to be doing well, BC2 has the potential to become a huge online game, let's hope DICE see that through :)
  2. That makes sense, it's only certain servers that I've played on and it comes and goes every few minutes, thanks :)
  3. Could this be causing the slow motion effect? I've never seen this is any other game but only on certain servers I will be playing for approx 5-10 mins and then it will seem like my player is running in slow motion, it then disappears and 5-10 mins later it's back. I have to leave the server as it becomes unplayable and rejoining does not help, seems to be only certain servers.
  4. As a player and a former SGA here it's very much appreciated when other people are willing to give up their own free time to keep the servers we play on as clean and as cheat free as possible, I'm sure it's demanding at times and you'd much rather spend that free time playing as we do but without you giving up that free time the servers we play on would not be anywhere as near as much fun, so thank you for the time you do give up so we can have a better, cleaner game :)
  5. x2 Also an auto balance that works would be nice, team stacking is getting very silly, 4 vs 16 is not a fun game :(
  6. Is it possible to get a complete list of which UK servers stream here? I ask because I've checked the streaming server list for BFBC2 and it only gives me a clan tag and an IP address but the server browser ingame does not give me the option of entering an IP, I can search by name but what I'm looking for is a server list that runs conquest, I don't really want to have to search 200 servers only to find that maybe 20 are running this gametype. I'm having to check the server info at the moment as a lot of servers are running with PB off but it doesn't tell me if the server streams or not as I can't see an IP anywhere :unsure: Any help will be appreciated :)
  7. I lost interest right there!! Bad Company 2 FTW!!!! :P
  8. Copied and pasted, I've downgraded mine today: 05 Mar 2010 at 02:26:09 by Tom Hernandez Several StarCraft II beta testers have reported their PC or video cards have died after installing the NVIDIA 196.75 drivers. The large amount of reports have prompted Blizzard Entertainment to issue an official statement on the tech support forums after identifying the source of the problem. Some players were blaming the StarCraft II Beta client's latest patch, but a Blizzard Tech Support representative quickly explained the issue is caused by the latest NVIDIA 196.75 drivers. Blizzard recommended to uninstall the NVIDIA 196.75 drivers, and to downgrade to the previous driver version: 196.21. Starcraft II Beta is not the only application affected, thus this is a worldwide alert to every gamer out there. Blizzard concluded the fans control in this NVIDIA driver is not working properly. This means every single 3D application (i.e. games) running these drivers is going to be exposed to overheating and in some extreme cases it will cause video card, motherboard and/or processor damage. If said motherboard, processor or graphic card is not under warranty, some gamers are in serious trouble playing intensive games such as Prototype, World of Warcraft, Farcry 3, Crysis and many other games with realistic graphics. Some EVGA enthusiasts have been able to manually change the GPU fans speed settings using the EVGA Precision Tool to run their fans at 77% speed to compensate. Blizzard Tech Support representative Datth, posted the following alert to all gamers: We're getting reports where users are getting intermittent low FPS after installing these drivers. It seems that it is related to the fan control included in these drivers not working correctly and is causing the video card to overheat on 3D applications. This will affect Warcraft 3, World of Warcraft and StarCraft 2 Beta. Please uninstall the drivers and revert back to the older ones. More information can be found on NVIDIA forum threads such as this and this. We reached NVIDIA tonight for an official statement concerning this worrysome issue, and they quickly replied within less than an hour. NVIDIA's response is: We are aware that some customers have reported fan speed issues with the latest 196.75 WHQL drivers on NVIDIA.com. Until we can verify and root cause this issue, we recommend that customers stay with, or return to 196.21 WHQL drivers. Release 196.75 drivers have been temporarily removed from our Web site in the meantime.
  9. Good to see you here :) Also, thanks for working with the PBBans team that gives us players a better cheat-free experience
  10. Great news, nice to see your persistence paid off too, great job :D
  11. Good post fozzer!! I agree with Supertaz, I think DICE coming here and seeing how the site works and how much it's needed as an SGA or a player is an absolute must, do they even understand the site and what checks are performed on a player in-game? I'm sure you've probably mentioned it MaydaX but having it described and seeing it in action are two entirely different things.
  12. A glimmer of hope on the horizon perhaps? ;) If these lawyers want to see some kind of support for this from the PC gamers and how much streaming servers are wanted can we not show them in maybe a petition, I know petitions are not the best route after the MW2 fiasco but if some kind of written information was given to them and signed with say 22,000 PC gamers signatures wanting streaming servers then it might be looked on favourably.
  13. Just browsing the Steam forums and this is one post among many, I do feel sorry for the clean players though :(
  14. The new video on the site giving details of the new multiplayer mode Squad Rush, it looks good I just hope they don't use the same kind of voting system on public servers (I use that term loosely) as they do on L4D as they are the biggest bunch of elitists I've ever had the unfortunate pleasure to play alongside/against, kicked for absolutely no reason whatsoever sometimes.
  15. +1 I no longer play COD4, just no fun for me anymore, but I would quite happily wait for the next game that has all the features we've come to 'expect' in a PC game. I really hope the new MOH does not take the same route though as that looks awesome.
  16. That's a good statement RW, I'd prefer no ranking system at all, we never used to have it but it seems to be the 'wanted' thing at the moment. I suppose it gives players the illusion that rank actually means they must be a good player because they're high ranked, I just prefer the older games, no ranking sytem just a leaderboard for that particular game. I may be wrong here but the cheating seems to have increased ten-fold since this ranking system was brought in, these cheaters are always looking for new ways to 'beat the system', while I agree that PB isn't perfect and never has been I'd prefer to play on streaming servers than non-streaming and I can say that with all honesty, as a former SGA here, who had a cheater caught on my own server when I was in work and had I not been streaming here I wouldn't have even known that he was cheating. With regards to IW and MW2, I did speak with my wallet, I never bought the game and have no intention of, if Dice are taking the same route as IW then that's fine by me, my money stays in my pocket.
  17. I was reading some of the comments yesterday at GT and one player asked "Is their anything MW2 didn't win?" Very surprised it won for the PC though because didn't GT do a small video some time ago saying it was a bad decision by Infinity Ward not to include dedicated servers, etc.? As for that question, "Is their anything MW2 didn't win?" My own answer "Yes, a place in my gaming cabinet" :P
  18. That's a great interview, thanks for the link :) Have to agree with the interviewer, it is a superb mod and more to come by the sound of things, although they weren't giving too much away. I think after playing the game for a very short time when I first downloaded it you can see the work that's gone into it, the level of detail on the map is great and the music just complements that.
  19. I'd have to agree, I use both, TS2 (not version 3 yet) to chat to my own clan and sometimes Vent to chat to other clans, I find Vent more user-friendly (not sure if that's the right word) but I do prefer the latter.
  20. I wouldn't recommend Overgrown if you're running stock maps though, hiding in a big green bush in a big white suit isn't recommended :lol: :lol:
  21. x2 Fantastic mod!! Great fun :)
  22. That sounds fantastic, as a former BF2 player I used to enjoy playing as squad leader and I think this type of gameplay will put more pressure on the SL to stay alive longer and keep that mobile spawn point available for the rest of the squad.
  23. Happy Holidays/Merry Christmas to all :)
  24. That's a good review! Yet some people that signed the petition still went out and bought the game.
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