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Everything posted by xX_Renegade_Xx

  1. :o OMG, I'm glad people like that don't have access to firearms, that is one disturbed individual.
  2. That's the metal god :o His voice is quite unique but the riff at 1.32 is fantastic as is the solo at 2.09 but what some people don't know is they have released some superb mellow songs too, this, believe it or not is the same band and one of my all-time favs: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O_YJu44xPh0
  3. Some proper music for you m8 :P
  4. Game has now gone, well, almost just sorting out the details, another player from down under. I feel a song coming on, cue cheesy looking pop video, thank god for heavy metal :lol:
  5. That's kind of you to say thank you :) I actually have done the same thing before but this was graphics cards, when I was a moderator at Battletracker a guy there needed a new graphics card but didn't have much cash and I had 2 in my cupboard as I'd recently updated so sent them to him, an American if I remember right. He just paid the postage.
  6. I have just purchased the maximum edition and have the original Crysis that I was going to pass onto someone else but unforunately they no longer play these type of games (eyesight issue) so if anyone is interested and you are willing to pay the post and packaging costs I will post the game to you, the game is NOT registered, I didn't register it as the maximum edition was available on offer so you will need to register the game in your name once it's installed. Please note I am in the UK so posting to the UK would be better as the P & P will be considerably higher. My system specs, it runs fine: AMD Phenom II x4 965 4GB DDR3 1600mhz Nvidia GTX275 Windows 7 64-bit This post has also been made on the Steam forums so it's first come first served.
  7. I do hope you're wrong about this, you know how bad it is from playing OFDR multiplayer. I was playing L4D2 demo last night and the pings before the game had started were ridiculous; Me - 5 (host) Player 1 - 374 Player 2 - 677 Player 3 - 1074 I've had a 600+ ping before and by the time my bullets reach the target the level is over :o
  8. Erm, it was an observation test and you passed, well done :P
  9. Looks good and I like the multiquote option too, saves all that copy and paste ^_^
  10. The patch is out later today if anyone is interested, the CM website has details of the patch and map pack (free for PC) which was posted yesterday. Personally, I'm done with this game, some of the PC community (Acog, TemplarGFX and the FWF Clan) have done more for this game over the last month than the devs themselves, the patch fixes only the bare minimum issues but a lot of things asked for were not even included, the PC will probably get another patch or two but the total number of players online recently was 150, this is a brand new game so that should tell the devs something, as it stands, multiplayer OFDR RIP!! :(
  11. That vicar tickled me :lol: :lol:
  12. +1 I was going to pre-order it until this announcement came through. It makes more sense to include dedicated servers and mod tools, obviously FourZeroTwo is a console fanboy so can't see the importance of these. I've been watching the forums for Operation Flashpoint Dragon Rising too and seems a lot of players can't even play because of this listen server system, some are not even able to get online, maybe MW2 will be the same, irrespective of what IW tells us now.
  13. Not sure if anyone watches this here but it's something I usually watch each week and MW2 and the lack of dedicated servers and mod tools got a small, very small mention this week as did the petition, don't think it will change many peoples opinions but a small mention is better than nothing I guess, skip to around 4.20 to see the clip:
  14. +1 Posted by Helios today: Some issues were raised in the meeting resulting in us not being able to release the list today I'm afraid. This won't result in any delay in the patch, but it does mean it will be early next week until I can release the final fix list. Thank you in advance for your understanding. I don't mind the wait if they fix the issues but my patience has its limits ;)
  15. I think the word is spreading, I was in a game last night and 2 players on the [AR51] server said dedicated servers for MW2!!! Those players that might not play too often will hear about it from gamers during play I think, hopefully that'll spark a little curiosity and they'll go and see what the fuss is about.
  16. I remember Rainbow 6 Vegas, omg, what a disgrace, I had major issues with that game, I gave up after about 3 or 4 weeks and then scrapped it.
  17. For those still following this game, I've been watching it closely since it's release and am awaiting anti-cheat and dedicated servers at the very least, Helios made a post recently: Patch now in QA for testing, all going well I should have a final list of fixes on Friday. Should hopefully get a list later today :)
  18. +1 Sixshot +1 RB I do hope that this is not a changing of the tide, so to speak, as I said earlier I'm sure a lot of developers are watching this very closely, possibly thinking, "hey IW can do it, why not us?"
  19. x2 That made :lol: What is that based on? Number of good games, rank, number of bad games, those give absolutely no indication of a players skill.
  20. Just posted on the IW forums: http://gameinformer.com/b/news/archive/200...r-response.aspx
  21. I'd like to see PB in all the new upcoming games, I've tried VAC in the past and from what I seen then it didn't work too well, besides that would it still have the support from anti-cheat sites like this? I think the no dedicated servers issue is very serious though, Codemasters have still not confirmed dedicated servers (haven't checked yet so this might have changed) and now IW seem to be taking the same route, I'm sure a lot of developers are watching very closely and if this 'new system' does take off I don't see any reason for other developers not to take that same route, they could also use VAC in all future games, obviously speculation at the moment but cause for concern, in my opinion anyway. Go Dice!! :D
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