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Everything posted by xX_Renegade_Xx

  1. Yes I've read a few already which is why I mentioned it to you before it's released, it's getting mixed reviews from people all over the place and it would be a shame to spend $60 on it and then find out it's not very good :(
  2. You'll have to make a post and let us know what it's like, I'm not buying it myself but I hope the money you spend on it will be worth it. I've been reading through that thread too and some of the comments make me laugh, this one in particular: I'm 100% certain he's a console player :lol:
  3. Also updated yesterday, Windows 7 x64, seems to be running fine at the moment but it does take a very long time to configure the files after a reboot. On another note, is this site experiencing problems? For the last 3 days or so I've had problems loading the forum in and the connection always times out, only been happening recently though :scratchchin: Fraps has also been updated too for SP1.
  4. That is a great looking teaser but I'd like to see some MP gameplay, I'll reserve my judgement at the moment.
  5. You might want to take a look at the Steam forums before you buy SuperTaz, not good, one of many: http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1767648
  6. Mine is also my sig just slightly larger ;) http://img703.imageshack.us/img703/7181/cap1cn.jpg
  7. The commander isn't in the game I believe so not sure if that will be added later. I used to enjoy playing commander but commanding a bad team just made the role ineffective. One thing I would like to see without any doubt: No squad leaders in aircraft, the option to be a squad member should be available but you cannot lead a squad when you're also a pilot. You might want to check this game out too, this is one I'm currently playing and it does have a large percentage of what you've mentioned, it has a steep learning curve but it might tide you over until BF3 ;)
  8. No surprise their and I'm sure Australia will be next. I don't think it looks that good to be honest, flashy gameplay with nice explosions, a whopping 6 bad guys on-screen at once and they look like they attack in a specific order too, nothing that appeals to me so my money stays in my pocket.
  9. The sad thing is that some of those boycotters will just go straight out and buy the game anyway, either way, we get more garbage.
  10. Correct, I bought it and regret ever playing it, MoH2 is an instant no buy fom me.
  11. Liking the piccy Surfy :)

  12. This! This too! Although I was reading a post recently that stated MW3 is approaching, I have no idea if that's true and couldn't care less if it is.
  13. From what I've read about this game so far it's blowing everyone away (no pun intended). It looks fantastic and only 12 year wait too :lol:
  14. Love the music in that game :)
  15. This game does look interesting, I like KF and The Ball from Tripwire so will keep an eye on this one.
  16. I'm quite surprised that they didn't think this game would sell well considering the amount of money they must have piled into marketing. Taken from the game description when it was released:
  17. I can see where this game's headed before it's even out :( I also agree MaydaX, no pre-order from me either, not anymore.
  18. I'm watching this very closely, it sounds fantastic but so did MOH and that's hardly been played since I bought it. If they get it right I think it will outsell MW2, if they get it wrong it will just be another forgotten game to add to the list of many. @ HSMagnet Killing Floor is an excellent game and the Christmas update was a nice addition.
  19. Happy Birthday, have a good one! :) I got you a tip, when it's raining never go out without an umbrella, you'll just get wet :P
  20. I'm sure the admins are looking into it, patience ;)
  21. Merry Christmas to All :) Stay safe and enjoy the snow ;)
  22. http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/showthread.php?p=18120699 I've been using PB for years and never had any major issue with it, nothing game-breaking anyway and most problems are easily rectified here or with the help of other gamers. Ideally we'd all like no cheating on any server but the reality is that's never going to happen so we turn to sites like this for support to combat these fools and keep them off our servers. I'm a former SGA here and if it wasn't for sites like this I would probably still have a cheater who was caught on my own server still annoying other players, I wasn't even playing as I was in work at the time but he was caught by PBBans and banned. To say no one wants PBBans or the PB program is a ridiculous thing to say considering the alternative. I respect what you guys and gals do but damn you do get some idiots who throw accusations around without much evidence. I've seen a few people like this, here and on other forums, seems everyone just loves PBBans, you must be doing something right to have all these haters.
  23. Very true. I'm still undecided on this, I've just pre-ordered a new game that looks very good http://store.steampowered.com/app/35460/ so will wait and see what happens, it's the thought of VAC that puts me off Black Ops, I do prefer PB and streaming servers and if the cheating in MW2 is anything to go by judging from what I've read elsewhere this game won't be far behind.
  24. Never going to touch this and had no intention of when it was announced. This same company (Kaos) released FFOW, Frontlines Fuel of War and after what the devs/mods did on those forums my mind is already made up. Players posts disappearing and some players banned for asking the devs to give us some information about the game, the server browser being badly broken when it was released was one such problem, we heard nothing off them for a long time and in the end I left the game and the forums through lack of support as did several other clans, I believe a patch was eventually released although I have no idea when. I dislike the way they treated some players asking genuine questions, don't take my word for it, the forums can still be found, check some of those posts if they haven't been deleted.
  25. I picked it up also and I am enjoying the game but the only thing that irritates me is the message when I'm kicked "You have lost the connection to the EA servers" and you can guarantee this is right in the middle of a good game too :( I like the CQC on some maps, really enjoying that. I didn't buy it for single player so only had a very short game, got to the airfield mission wherever that is. I play here btw if anyone wants to call in for a few games :D http://www.pbbans.com/msi-server-217-163-26-130-7673.html
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