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Everything posted by xX_Renegade_Xx

  1. I hope that's right, I almost had time to make a cup of tea before the bad guys got to Sam. Compare that to the First Encounter and this is one of the easier levels http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EOMU7ZHrsrw
  2. I hope it gets a lot harder than that, looks too easy :angry:
  3. Trading games has been happening on the 'Hat Fortress 2' forums for a while so it was only a matter of time before they brought it in.
  4. The thing I don't like with this type of gameplay is a number of players are just concerned with ranking up or unlocking the next weapon, teamwork goes out the window.
  5. This game has been reduced in price and is now available here too if anyone's interested :) http://www.steel-storm.com/shoppe/
  6. At 0:35, a one-hit kill move? I really hope not. Oh look, I'm stuck in some stupid animation that has to finish before I can start shooting again!
  7. At least I meet the specs, I thought I'd have to upgrade too, will have to download Origin though although I'm not so sure yet from what I've been reading :scratchchin:
  8. Looking forward to this already!
  9. I agree and I like the fact they keep the game fresh with the updates/seasonal content too. They give us free maps, etc. and I buy their DLC character packs, everyone's a winner :D
  10. I like the devs anyway, I've put a huge amount of time into Killing Floor so anything they release is an instant buy for me :D
  11. I can see it now, a full team of supports gaining experience points by camping the spawns :(
  12. That's the sort of map I enjoy, lots of places to explore.
  13. As much as I'm looking forward to the game I won't be pre-ordering, they can tempt me with their goodies all they want but I'll only pre-order now from certain devs.
  14. That does look very good, the sea missions will be a nice addition. Looks like it plays slightly faster than the current ARMA too.
  15. I'm annoyed with this screenshot feature at the moment, 46 screenshots taken over the last few months have just vanished after I logged in this morning.
  16. Good to see you here Yoshiro :D
  17. For the KF fans :D
  18. I also updated to version 5.0 and it seems to be fine at the moment.
  19. I forgot to add this game also has a built-in mission editor which I've been having a play around with today, very easy to use and I've created my first mission too, called desolate/going home. I'd post the link to the mission but you need to own the game to try it out :P
  20. Great news! I prefer PB anyway and the admins that have the ability to stream their servers here will be much better than waiting 3 months for VAC to bring the ban hammer down. I was reading your post here too MaydaX: http://forums.tripwireinteractive.com/showthread.php?t=53352 I think I've only ever had one problem with PB and that was the disallowed program/driver kick but other than that nothing as far as I'm aware yet I still read about a number of players who get kicked for the slightest thing and blame PB, cursing it to hell. PB ftw!! :D
  21. I wish companies would stop releasing teasers/trailers like this because you can guarantee the game will not look/play anything like that. The seem to spend more on the trailers than they do on the actual game.
  22. x2 Voted.
  23. Looking forward to this, thanks for the video :D
  24. So very true! They do have to cater to the casual crowd who only put about 6 hours play into a game once a year though ;)
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