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Everything posted by xX_Renegade_Xx

  1. Having tried everything I know I was at a loss what the cause of these lost connections were, I joined Surfy's server last night and played, for the first time since I bought the game, 3 games in a row with no kicks or loss of connection. I had an idea it wasn't my side that was the problem and it was the EA servers, the thing that confuses me though is why other people can stay connected yet some cannot, you only have to take a look at the battlelog forums to see it is an on-going problem for a lot of players that does need fixing. Already done, I also tried disabling my firewall, anti-virus, ping testing different sites to see if I was losing packets but everything my side came back fine yet I was still losing connection after the first game and it was impossible for me to play 2 games in a row, until last night.
  2. Sounds interesting, the problem I had with the last MoH was the very small maps. I enjoyed capture point and one of the maps you could physically throw a grenade over a wall onto another flag taking out an entire squad trying to cap it, that's a little too small for my liking.
  3. I made a post earlier and someone mentioned it might be my router so I'll buy a new one tomorrow, I'm already betting now the problems will continue, we shall see.
  4. What is wrong with the connection problems with this game? I have never had so many problems with a game as much as I've had with this one, it's getting ridiculous, disconnected from EA Online, connection to the server has been lost, etc. etc. 20-25 times a night, Kalms if you're reading this, sort your battlelog out, it needs a complete overhaul.
  5. +1 Thank you :) Someone else just replied in my thread too, thanks again.
  6. Tried my first few games in MP, wasn't too bad, the one map I played on was OK but the spawn points are a little suspect to say the least, I've made a post on the EA forums anyway so hopefully it will be looked at I did ask a question there too but not had any answer yet, maybe someone here can help, how do I equip unlocked weapons and use the defibs? I'm a newb what can I say! :P
  7. I took the plunge and bought this today, seems to work OK with no PB kicks on a MP server although it was empty as I don't know the maps so just thought I'd take a quick look. The single player I'm enjoying, all that aim assist has gone, hard mode to really get an idea what it plays like and it's a lot of fun at the moment, just got to Operation Guillotine so no idea how far that is into the game but from what I've played so far it's not bad. I would have liked a tutorial though as being thrown in at the deep end was a little overwhelming.
  8. Not telling :P
  9. Mine's from Bad Company 2 as is my sig. I like my avatar to match my sig and before any one asks no I don't have matching cushions :P I'm a kind of attacking player and I will try to flank a team then hit them from the back to cause some confusion, hence the description in my sig too.
  10. Now available on Steam for a whopping 85% off http://store.steampowered.com/app/1250 Great game :)
  11. I was reading this yesterday when it was posted on the Steam News section. Nice to see they are still trying to track them down and let's hope they've learned from this more than anything. I'm still watching my statements anyway just to be on the safe side.
  12. Some of the comments in that were funny: :lol:
  13. No problems here either, run PBSetup and did the same as SuperTaz, also Windows 7 x64.
  14. Recently posted by one of the devs :)
  15. Now Postponed: Closed Beta Phase 4 moved to Friday January 20th at 5PM
  16. You could try dropbox, it allows 2GB upload but not sure about download speeds. http://www.dropbox.com/ Edit: PB has been updated but I did get an error message too, re-running it was fine and it says I'm running the latest version so I presume it's updated and ready to go.
  17. I've heard of Nation Red but not that game :P If anyone is interested in this I will say this is without any doubt the best supported indie game on the steam forums. SnowBrigade the dev releases updates and any fixes if players are having problems often, the most recent update was only released this week, all free too.
  18. I've just replied to that post, I presume he hasn't been a gamer for long.
  19. Just completed my first two games, what a fun game this is, gameplay is so smooth, it would be on my buy list but it's free to play :D
  20. Thanks, that explains why I can't see it in the list.
  21. Question for you Super Taz. I got a key for the closed beta and I'm downloading the game now, I already have PBSetup on my PC but I'm not seeing the game listed, is it automatic, has it been included in the game yet or do I need to do something else?
  22. I've not seen this before as far as I'm aware: Game looks very good, I've registered for that, thanks for the links
  23. I have 2 coupons which I'm giving away for free, if you want them just PM me. They are 50% and 25% off any Valve game.
  24. Merry Christmas All, have a good one :D
  25. Looks great, thanks :D
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