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Everything posted by xX_Renegade_Xx

  1. EA Apologise, never! It's much easier to blame the customer.
  2. Nice movement, huge maps too, I did a test on ARMA II, jumped in a heli and flew to the edge of the map and I could carry on going too, the maps are huge and it took me almost 15 minutes in real time to fly from one side to the other, walking/running would probably be around 12 hours :o
  3. I did and I wasn't too keen on it to be honest, it could have been a lot better I agree, MP was fun for a while but I soon lost interest. Only played for just over 30 hours and that was enough. The pulse rifle was very good though. I enjoyed playing as the predator, the thrill of ramming two blades between an opponents rib cage is a nice satisfying kill :D Maybe that's too much information ;)
  4. Already on my wishlist :D
  5. It reminded me of both BF3 and MW2, I think they'd have been better keeping to their own design for the game instead of trying to copy everything else on the market. It does make me wonder if this is the new face of PC gaming, why go through the hassle of creating a game from scratch when they can just copy the biggest sellers. Long live Tripwire Interactive who do try to at least break from the norm and define their own game style.
  6. I don't think we have that sort of thing here in the UK, if we did the government would be top every year! Maybe the utility companies a close second with their continual price rises.
  7. So, what did you buy Taz and does the person who suggested a game get a free one? ;)
  8. That looks like a fun game actually, some games are too serious now so it's nice to unwind with a little mindless blasting :)
  9. You might have to check the conversion prices but I'll recommend some that you might be interested in: Defense Grid: The Awakening - Tower defence and one of the best I've played to date, the base game has a huge amount of content for the price. http://store.steampowered.com/app/18500/?snr=1_7_suggest__13 Orcs Must Die! - Also tower defence but this is a fun game to play, set your traps then unleash the horde and hope you've set them right then you can sit back and watch those orcs go splat! http://store.steampowered.com/app/102600/?snr=1_7_suggest__13 S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - One of the best atmospheric FPS games I've ever played, very tough in the early stages, it is not an easy game when you first start but stick with it and you'll see just how much it shines. http://store.steampowered.com/app/4500/?snr=1_7_suggest__13 Fallout: New Vegas - FPS again and one of the biggest I've played to date, the game is huge, lots of places to explore and lots of side quests too, you also get the fantastic All-American weapon later in the game, that is a superb weapon and one of my favs. You also have the deathclaw, very powerful if you face it early on, this is not recommended!!
  10. I had the same problem Matt, the game during beta was fine and ran well but once the game was out it was OK until one patch was released and I started to have problems with it, I tried the suggestions that were posted on the Steam forums but gave up in the end and went back to Killing Floor. Considering the game's only 7 months old the amount of players online is still very low, less than 900 which is sad to see as I'm sure this game will be supported as much as KF.
  11. I picked this up during the sale and the player who's playing that has either a lot of armour augs or is on casual, it's nigh on impossible to take a shotgun round at that range and live. Very stealthy game too, the quests could have been a little bit longer and maybe allow a bit more exploration but it's not too bad, something strangely appealing moving in the shadows with a silenced pistol and then taking the kill or maybe even a melee takedown kill :) http://cloud.steampowered.com/ugc/558685926412349244/A761920A691D87DAEC6F2D97E517C72E62FF90B3/ Messy!
  12. That's just sold them 25 million copies, I'm the best of the best of the best, currently number 1 in the world in MoH Warfighter. Well done! Want a cookie? :rolleyes:
  13. He'll be sadly missed
  14. Base game is £30 yet I can get everything on this deal for less than £12, thank you very much, snapped that up straight away.
  15. They always target the end user, the better solution would be to shut these sites down, they know they exist and they know file sharing goes on so why allow them to continue operating if what they're doing is illegal? A quick search of Google lists thousands of file sharing sites, find the ones allowing illegal downloads and shut them down. It makes me think sometimes if this is just another marketing strategy by the ISP's to gain more customers: "Our network was the first in the country to stamp out piracy, join us now and continue the fight!" I got a good idea for them, instead of going after the little fish go after the big fish who are downloading hundreds of thousands of copies of CD's and DVD's and then selling them on the black market.
  16. Over 1,000 hours and counting... I've added you Taz although not sure what my ping will be like on your server.
  17. Nope, I've been waiting for one for a while so not getting my hopes up.
  18. I'm quite happy with Windows 7 at the moment, it's quick/clean and just a nice OS to use. That doesn't appeal to me in the slightest.
  19. Already tried as was many other things, always the same problem, you have been disconnected from EA Online or connection to the server has been lost, if it was a problem with my router I wouldn't have been able to play for 4 days with no issues then all of a sudden it stops working. It reminded me of the 1.3 patch for BF2 with all the kicks. I couldn't even play 1 full game yesterday, if I joined a game in progress I might be lucky and finish it depending how many tickets were left when I joined but starting a new game was impossible. If they had problems with the servers/technical issues then a post sooner to let people know would have helped a lot, as it is I got very angry/frustrated with the game so it was time for it to go. There is a post on the battlelog forums that was 157 pages last time I checked with over 4,000 replies from other players who are having the same issue with these EA disconnections, the moderators post and say thanks for the feedback but that doesn't really help when that post is continually added too daily, it also affects consoles so it's not platform specific as I've read posts from console players too with the same issue. I think this will do more damage to EA/Dice in the long term if it's not fixed soon, I own a lot of EA games, steam/origin but I won't be buying any more from them, I'm sure I'll make a huge dent in their sales too :P
  20. I've uninstalled this tonight, no end of problems today, disconnection after disconnection yet I was able to play Friday/Saturday/Sunday/Monday without any kicks or disconnections. I have no idea what these people are doing or why the connection issues are still there but they lost 1 more customer today, I've been kicked more times from this game in the last 8 days than I have from any other game I've owned in the last 5 years.
  21. Thanks, I'm using the 1920x1080 one now on my new monitor *smug* :D
  22. Just an update, no connection losses at all today, I've played 2 games (Conquest) and the time spent on the server (in excess of 1 hour) would have taken me well above the 3 games I played on Surfy's server last night, pesky gremlins ;)
  23. Just been reading this post from the Battlelog forums, this guy is from Austria and look what he's tried: I don't use wireless so won't apply to me but it does make me wonder why so many players are having problems yet others can play fine.
  24. I'll tell you why I don't think it's my PC or my connection: When I bought the game I played SP for a while but wanted to try MP which I did, had 1 quick game and then stopped playing for a while. When I logged in that night the first game was fine but I was kicked during the second game for either one of these reasons: You have been disconnected from EA Online You have lost connection to the server You have lost connection to the server due to a game manager error (Battlelog related I presume) :unsure: I've read on the battlelog forums that other players are being kicked for the same reason and I've seen at least 5 posts today with the same message from other players. I joined Surfy's server last night and was able to play 3 full games with no kicks whatsoever, I left to grab a cup of tea and then joined another server, (German) I played 2 full games but was then kicked on the third with the second kick message I've posted above. I'm presuming although I could be wrong if it was an issue with my PC/Router I would not have been able to play those games at all as I'd have been kicked sooner, I think I was on Surfy's server for at least half an hour (server logs will give more information on time). I'm also not the only player with this problem, you only have to take a look at the battlelog forums to see that. I still have no idea what's causing it so I'll try tonight and see how things go, I've had 1 game today and that was fine.
  25. My MB is Asus but I kind of follow a routine and have done for years, as soon as a new update is out it's installed and I check daily for anything that might have been released. Every single thing on my system is up-to-date so I can 'hopefully' try and avoid any game issues, besides the Killing Floor problem which was because of a Steam update I've not had any problems like this for any game before so I was becoming very frustrated trying to pinpoint what the problem was.
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